Would you still like a Sweatshirt?

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Just as I was thinking my t-shirt fundraiser was about over...

Due to a production snafu with a recent re-call of some t-shirts, the printer somehow re-did sweatshirts instead of t-shirts. (Only Hank's and my orders were affected in the re-call. I was unhappy with the original print quality of about 25 shirts so I got the printer to re-do them. Obviously they are now re-doing them a second time!).

Here's the deal: I can either ship the 25 sweatshirts back and let the printer destroy them or take them (with a discount) and give people an opportunity to purchase sweatshirts at a discounted price.

The following sizes are available for $20.00 per sweatshirt including postage. There's still a little in it for Hank. The sweatshirts have no printing on the back.


I realize those of you who paid the full price of $28 for sweatshirts are thinking "hmmm," but don't forget your purchase has been for a good cause to support your website. It just happens that this fluke gives everyone an opportunity to get one or more sweatshirts at nearly the same price as t-shirts.

If you are interested let me know via asap. [email protected]
I need to make a decision very soon whether or not to return the product or gamble with owning a case of sweatshirts.

Thanks again.

Dear Perry:

Just a quick note..... that I should have written sooner.

We received our tee shirts in good form! We are SO pleased!

Both of us wish to extend our sincerest thanks to you for your thoroughness in handling this fund raiser.

This site has meant a heck of a lot to me, and I cannot thank Hank enough for the help it has provided. You've done a great job, Perry, in getting Hank a wee bit of $$$ to help defray the cost.

Thank you again.....and again.
