Would it be unusual to ask for the surgery to be filmed?

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Hot Rod Harry

Well-known member
Aug 26, 2006
I've seen some Utube videos, so I know that it has been done, but not sure if those were shot outside the states, or in.

Just thought it would be a good informative video to look at in the future.
i would ask the surgeon about it and see what the protocol would be. Personally i would not want my video taped.
You'd have to check with the hospital administration, surgeon, etc. It's been done before, but I don't know what all hoops had to be jumped through to make it happen.
I have no desire to see the surgery, that?s why they put us to sleep!!!! :eek::p

However, my lovely wife did ask Dr. McGiffin if it was possible to get a copy of the video of my surgery (TALK ABOUT HOME MOVIES---KIDS, WANNA SEE DAD?S SURGERY TAPE AGAIN?????) and he told her it was only for training purposes. He cited insurance regulations and hospital policy as the reason she couldn?t have a copy.

Of course, just remember, a question not asked is one that is never answered.

May God Bless,

Danny :)
They actually filmed mine at the Mayo Clinic in 1977. I know that Dr. Daniels at Ohio State had a copy of it. I have petitioned to get a copy but to no avail. This film and my surgery is supposedly used as case studies in the hearts surgeon's communities.

I always wanted to get a copy of it to have a kinda spooky movie night.
Member "StretchL" is a professional photographer. He asked his surgeon Dr. Paul Stelzer (in NY) if he could have another professional photographer friend photograph his surgery and was given approval. See his "Members List" info for the link to his Photo Journal of his Ross Procedure Surgery.
I think it is a great idea to have your surgery filmed...it will proof to you 'who did what' in the operating room!!! I wanted my surgery to have been filmed, but did not ask for approval as I had no one to film it nor had stamina to find a photographer to do it.
Member "StretchL" is a professional photographer. He asked his surgeon Dr. Paul Stelzer (in NY) if he could have another professional photographer friend photograph his surgery and was given approval. See his "Members List" info for the link to his Photo Journal of his Ross Procedure Surgery.

Yes, but Stretch was special and priviledged. Most people don't fit that category.
we had another member who was a photographer - a yr or so ago - and I forget his name. someone will come up with it. he asked his dr if his photographer friend could film his surgery and was granted that privilege. he put it on his own web page, I think and we could go see it. Help with the name, somebody. I can see him, but can't put a name there. a short name like 4 letters.
This would be COOL,cept i couldn't watch it knowing it was me:eek:

My surgeon took pictures on my camera and took me along time to look at hubbys 52 inch tv screen when he loaded it on there to see on big screen.
But cool to have a video (go for it )and ask your request.Good luck!!!

zipper2 (DEB)
I don't think I would want a video. I got the medical records of the surgery and that was bad enough, cried the whole time I read the report. :(
I'm with gadgetman that's why we are put to sleep.
But I'm sure you can check it out with your surgeon to see if they do that or not. Good Luck Harry!!
No, they put you to sleep so you dont feel the pain, and so you aren't asking "what's this what's that, what's that for?"

I think it would be cool to see inside myself. I'm not sure at what point I would be ready to see that, but I'm going to ask.
Ask if having it filmed increases the time in the OR.

I had oral surgery at age 17 to correct major underbite of the lower jaw. This was done at Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas. I was photographed every step of the way -- even months ahead of the surgery. Was told it prolonged the surgery, but some of that was because my case was filmed as a teaching tool.

You would not be wanting yours done as a teaching tool, but best to ask if it would slow things down any.

Also: Would hope that the photographer would have a cast-iron stomach. You don't want a photographer to suddenly be out cold on the floor. ;)
A few months ago, my husband had robotic surgery to remove a cyst on his kidney. Before the operation, the doctor told my husband not to forget to ask him for a disk of the procedure.

So..............one evening we had a rollicking time watching the operation. Cool! :D

I am going to ask my docs at CC if they can film my procedure.