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The Valve Decision

The Valve Decision

Rachel and Bonnie,

It would help so much in making this momentous decision if we had a crystal ball, wouldn't it? :rolleyes:

If I get a tissue valve, it will last (or won't) 15 to 20 years. I won't live any longer than that (or I will) and so that will take care of me fine. Or I will be around at 80 and subject to a VR for the tissue but medical technology will be so advanced by then, it won't require invasive surgery (or it will). If I get a tissue valve, won't have to have coumadin more than 3 months, which is the norm (or I'll be the exception and have to have it longer).

If I get a mechanical valve, regulation of the thinners won't be a problem (or it will be a pain), and the mix will never get out of whack (or it will, and cause clots or bleeding). The ticking sound won't bother me, even though I am a light sleeper (or it will drive me crackers). The mechanical valve will last forever (or I'll have some sort of accident, and it won't after all). I won't ever be far from a clinic and so will be able to keep the coumadin nicely regulated (or I'll be far away from one, in Timbuktu or somewhere, and too klutzy to do the self-regulating).

I want to go for quality of life. No, I want to go for quantity of life.

I am not trying to be flippant. You have given me a lot to think about. I am going to call my surgeon's office tomorrow morning and see if I can get one more session with him to discuss more fully the options. He mentioned a stentless bioprosthesis that does the Bentall in one seamless piece, as I understand it. (But I don't understand, really.)

This is an awfully big decision. Where is Solomon when you need him?

Thanks for your concern and advice.

I don't think I've heard the valve choice situation put so well. You are so right, it is almost a toss up. There are chances either way and, as you've heard so many times, no guarantees.
If I had had a tissue valve, I would have ended up on coumadin anyway because of chronic a-fib. From that standpoint I am glad I have a mechanical as I am determined I am through with OHS. Of course I would do it again if needed but, having the St. Jude's, I am hopeful there will be no more surgeries for me.
As it is, 3 OHS were way more than I wanted but so it goes.
I was lucky in that my last surgery was at 42. The older I get, the more I think another surgery would be really tough to handle (I even get annoyed at an in-grown toenail). I would definitely not want to handle OHS in my 70's.
However, that's just me.


So, you are a young age 63? ...My Dad is age 90...Gets up every a.m. Cooks himself a large meal..of biscuits, grits, ect..Then goes for a mile walk. Takes care of his laundry, ect...Works in his yard everyday....Grows beautiful flowers every year...Is a faithful fan of the Atlanta Braves. Never misses a game from April-Oct.... I call him everyday and he will ask about, Grandchildren (six) great-children(seven)..knows everything that I tell him..and he will get mad at me if I don't call...Want to know all about his family...90 is not old... :D Believe me, I go every 2 months and he works me about things that need to be done. Yikes..Glad to come home for a rest. He lives in Alabama and I live in Georgia. Bonnie
You said it best

You said it best

Wow Bob
You really nailed it on the head in regards to valve decision. Wouldn't it be great to have a crystal ball on hand to see into the future. Who knows 20 years from now they may do valve replacement through catheters or even laser. You never know. Best of luck with your decision. Oh, and give Sadie a pat on the head for me. My lab is sitting loyaly next to me as I type this to you. You are in my continued thoughts and prayers. Hang in there! ;)
Made My Decision

Made My Decision

To Bob H, Dawn, Gina, Bonnie, and Rachel (and I hope I'm not overlooking anybody): Thanks for all your helpful posts.

Just wanted to say that after a consultation with surgeon's office today, I have made my final decision: My VR is going to be a Toronto Stentless Porcine Valve. These decisions are different for everyone, and there is no one perfect choice -- and no crystal ball. However, I am now convinced this is the best option for me, for a variety of reasons. So this part of my anxiety has ended. I'll no doubt be asking you questions about lots of other things as my post-Valentine's Heart Day approaches.

Thanks again for everything!

I am so happy you have made your choice. It must feel really good to have that out of the way. I will say a prayer (or 2 or 3) that this is a perfect choice for you and one that will get you through many, many years to come.
Please stay in touch and we will be thinking about you on the 16th.

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