Woo Hoo U of I and MSU

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I'm happy! :) Illinois made history tonight (first time they made the semifinals in 100 years!) I'm on my way back to watch the next game to see who they'll play Monday night.

Go Illini!
Mary said:
I'm happy! :) Illinois made history tonight (first time they made the semifinals in 100 years!)

Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IL 72, Louisville 57


Guess I have plans Monday night now....
Sure hope my daughter's not in the midst of trouble tonight at MSU. :confused: So disappointing for State, but the Tarheels just outplayed them.

But I'll also be watching Monday night too. Go Illini. Sorry Betty, still have to root for the other team.

Congrats to both winners tonight.
Go Heels!

Go Heels!

bvdr said:
:D I know what some of us will be doing Monday night! Go tarheels!

Normally I'm a Virginia fan but will root for the ACC rival to win it all Monday night.

Karlynn said:
So disappointing for State, but the Tarheels just outplayed them.

Very true.... I was rooting for MSU, but, ah well...at least one of my 2 fav teams got in...the most important one, of course ;).
Sitting in a room full of Illini fans, I had to pretend I agreed with you Cort. With a lot of our money going to State, I had to hope!

An interesting :mad: tidbit. My daughter called at midnight to say she was staying at a friends apartment. She had watched the game and was walking back across campus to her dorm (thankfully with one of her very large friends who's an offensive lineman for State's football team) when they saw a cloud of something heading their way. Their eyes started to sting and their throats began to burn a bit, so they ran like crazy back to the apartment since it was closer than the dorm. I guess to try and stave off any riots, such as what occured a few years back, the police decided to be proactive and pulled out the tear gas. I don't know what was going on where, and neither did my daughter. Will be interesting to find out. She's fine now. I guess they kept rinsing their eyes with water and are suffering no ill effects.
*eyes Karlynn suspiciously*

You had to PRETEND to agree with me?

*shakes head*

Wrong statement, there, dearie...heh.

As for that "interesting tidbit"....did they ever call the police to find out what exactly that was? I can't imagine that that would be completely legal...to put something in the air like that without warning. For all they knew, it could've been terrorism....
knightfan2691 said:
*eyes Karlynn suspiciously*

You had to PRETEND to agree with me?

*shakes head*

Wrong statement, there, dearie...heh.

As for that "interesting tidbit"....did they ever call the police to find out what exactly that was? I can't imagine that that would be completely legal...to put something in the air like that without warning. For all they knew, it could've been terrorism....

Yes, it was indeed tear gas. We saw a clip on the news of them dispersing about 500 students with it. When State won in 2000 they had a big celebration that turned into a riot. They've been very sensitive about that type of thing ever since. Understandably since State has over 40,000 students.
Karlynn said:
Yes, it was indeed tear gas. We saw a clip on the news of them dispersing about 500 students with it. When State won in 2000 they had a big celebration that turned into a riot. They've been very sensitive about that type of thing ever since.

I can certainly understand the sensitivity. Still... I don't know...seems to me that this may be one of those "gray line" items...where you're darned if you do, darned if you don't....

Glad to know it was only tear gas...and not a form of terrorism. Though, I think that idea would scare me out of my mind...he he he.