Wish I could register

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I have been trying to register with a variety of email ID's of which all have been apparently blocked. It would appear that the forum is closed. Unfortunate since I would have liked to be a part of this group before my AVR on the 29th of June. Good site. Unfortunate that QAS (?) is apparently not down on support for some reason.

In any case, thank you to those who were able to post to this site. I only wish that it were open for more commentary and perhaps additional threads. Wish me luck.
I hope you are able to come up with an email address that gets you aboard. As I understand it, you cannot use a webmail type address but must use a carrier based amail such as earthlink, etc. I started out with a netscape webmail address and had to change it also.
I am sure Ross will be along to help you out. Please stick around and be patient. There is a lot of help here.
Hello and welcome! I hope you are checking back to see if our magician, Ross, was able to get you registered.

Please come back and let us know how we can help you. This is a marvelous support group!!!

Will keep you in mind next week!

If you have a free email account, you can't register automatically. It's a way of protecting the forum from trolls and scammers. Sounds restrictive, but it keeps this important forum safer. I'm sure Ross will be along to help you out.
The registration rules had to be changed and Ross or Hank can explain and let you know if there is another way - how did you get in this time? If it worked, can't it work again? We'd like to have you aboard and become a member.

In any case, it sounds like you have been able to read various posts. As for your upcoming surgery for next Wed----- GODSPEED!
As has been mentioned, we no longer allow free web based email addresses for registration such as yahoo, hotmail, or gmail etc. Your more then welcome to register with a legitimate address given to you by your Internet Service Provider. If you continue to have problems after doing that, email us and we'll see what we can do at:

webmaster@valvereplacement.com, ross@valvereplacement.com

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