Wisdom Teeth

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Whee, I just got my two lower wisdom teeth removed today, and had my first experience with general anesthetic in the process. It's pretty amazing how quickly you go out. However I had a good laugh session right before I went to sleep. And now I look like a chipmunk.

I'm sure there's some of y'all who've had yers out...does anyone remember when they could start eating? I'm reading the little pamphlet they sent home with me and they're saying "clear liquids on the first day returning from surgery", more "liquids" like soup and vegetable juices on the 2nd day. Then on the 3rd day I can work myself up to PUDDING!? Are they seriously saying that I can't eat anything for 3 days? I was ready to have a steak sandwich when I woke up in the recovery room. Please tell me this isn't so!

However I must say that my oral surgeon/and staff were VERY careful with me, and took wonderful care of me. I guess it's alright to have a bum heart sometimes. :D

Okay seriously, I want to order a pizza or something. :)
I had my wisdom teeth out on the National Health Service when I was visiting friends in England, years ago. I don't remember what they told me afterwards about eating. However, I do remember eating steak and kidney pie with my friends in their local pub that evening.
No surgery, regardless of what form, follows text book schedules. You want to baby those holes for a day or two, but if your hungry, start on semi solids like pudding, jello, soup, mashed potatoes etc.

Be sure to post the picture of you in the bikini soon too! :D
A good friend of mine works for a periodontist (..she's a nanny..) and was VERY WELL LOOKED AFTER.... so well, in fact, that she was eating steak THE NEXT DAY!!! :eek: :eek:

I think the secret was packing her face in ice straight after the extraction. She even rang me like an hour after the procedure and was talking fine!!

Me, on the other hand, my head looked like a squashed pumpkin for about a week!! I was very naughty and managed to suck down a Crunchie the day after, but it took me about 3-4 days before I could open my mouth wide enough to put anything substantial in it (..except, perhaps, my foot!!..).

I had 2 wisdom teeth taken out on one side and the tooth next to the lower wisdom tooth. Lucky me, I get the other two taken out in a couple of weeks time (..oh for joy - can't wait!!..).

The silver lining of course, is that being on a liquid diet for half a week, you do lose a couple of kilos - woo-hoo!

Hope you're not too sore!

All the best
Anna : B
Bunny, follow your doctor's orders. They don't want you getting a dry socket. I got a tomato seed in one and it became painful and sore. Required further treatment. So eat lightly and keep your mouth very clean and as antiseptic as you can.
I agree, just do what they said.
You don't need more problems or an infection.
The thing I remember most is how did I get from the chair to the recovery room?
They told me later that you walk but you sure don't remember doing it.
Hi Bunny....take it light for a few days. You will know when you are good to go. ;) Had mine out a year after MVR and the Coumadin complicated the healing process I feel. As soon as my levels started coming up...bleed time.

Anyway, last week I had reconstructive on my jaw. There was a hole in the bone. Still a mystery to my dentist and surgeon. That surgery was far worse than having the wisdoms out. Still swollen. And today...nice yellow bruise on my jaw line. Oral surgery is the pits.

Hope you get to feeling better soon.
OK, so here's the deal...


No iffin's and or buttn's!

Granted, maybe some people got away with it (STEAK?) but the rest of us didn't/won't.

I wasn't back on solid foods for almost two weeks. That might sound rough, but I was very used ti it having had braces as a kid.

When you have braces and they get adjusted, your teeth HURT and you really don't want to have anything other than cool beverages, pudding, and or baby food for quite a while!

Dry sockets are VERY VERY bad. My wife got one. She had her wisdom teeth out about 2 weeks before our wedding and was healed up enough to enjoy herself during the reception and our honeymoon. When she came back, her mouth was aching and there was this awful taste that she couldn't get rid of. A day or so after we got home she had this "semi-violent" reaction to an infection that had developed in the dry socket. Her body got cold and she shook, almost like she was in shock. We consulted with her dentist (because of the recent extractions) and sure enough, she had a dry socket. The oral surgeon had failed to completely cover over the wound from one of the extraction sites. She got that cleaned out and was placed on antibiotics and given a special syringe for irrigating (cleaning) the site.... It took about two months or so for that to heal over.

I had three out several years ago, long before my heart ran into it's "recent troubles" and while I didn't have the complications my wife had, it took a long time for me to get back to solid food. My first solid meal was a burger, about two weeks after I had them out. I was eating a lot of baby food, ice cream, pudding, jello, and milk with Ovaltine for a while.

Follow those instruction sheets as closely as possible and be real careful. You don't want the dry sockets, trust me. You could end up back in the chair under anesthetic, or worse, in a hospital being treated for the infections....

And of course, if you're on coumadin or are post-op (OHS), be extra careful with everything.

By the way, I bled for about a week after I had my wisdom teeth out. I think that's "atypical" (I wasn't on coumadin at the time) but it can happen. I had a "spitoon" near me at all times (including in the car...) That was very disgusting but neccesary and I swore I'd never do anything like that again. So far, with a "minor" exception being in the hospital after my vave replacement, I've held to it.

Icky icky icky poo!
Thanks for the replies you guys.

All I've been having is soup broth, but tonight I tried to chew some pasta...haha well that didn't work. I can barely open my mouth enough to get a fork in it, let alone one with food on it. So I managed to squish in some mashed potatoes...that seemed to work. Idunno, but it seems that my face is getting bigger...and more bruised. I don't really hurt, but my jaw is just growing. I guess this is what it's like to have botox injections, because I'm only able to make one facial expression. And let me tell ya, it isn't a good one. :D
Soup broth works.

If you can do that, try any form of creamy soup, maybe even cream of mushroom if you cna swallow the 'shrooms whole or maybe seperate them out before eating.

Do not try using a straw for ANYTHING. That may cause the clots that have formed over the sockets to come loose, bad thing.

Campbell's tomato soup would be good.

Any broth will do.

I gotta garlic soup you could try for something different, from that Gazzaniga low sodium cookbook...