Winter Solstice Best Wishes!

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skeptic49 Supporter
Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
Philadelphia, PA and Cherry Grove, Fire Is. NY
Winter arrives at 7:04 AM this morning (Sunday). It's the shortest day of the year, and the darkest, but from now on the days will get longer and brighter. As I celebrate today I wish the very best of happiness and health to everyone here on VR.

This is my ca. 1928 Lionel No. 248 electric toy locomotive running under our solstice evergreen tree.

Yippee! It's finally here and after today, the days will start getting longer (sunshine longer) which is what I need to photosynthesize. :D

You into trains? I had a big table with H.O. scale trains when I was a kid. Loved them!
Winter arrives at 7:04 AM this morning (Sunday). It's the shortest day of the year, and the darkest, but from now on the days will get longer and brighter. As I celebrate today I wish the very best of happiness and health to everyone here on VR.

This is my ca. 1928 Lionel No. 248 electric toy locomotive running under our solstice evergreen tree.

Joyeaux Yule to you, too! I'm already up cooking for the houseful of people we are having over this afternoon. (Afternoon instead of the traditional night because this steroid-taking heart patient can't stay up late.)

Personally, I've been enjoying the long nights and will be sorry to see them go. (It's an Arizona thing.)
I hate long nights !!!!! so I have to say a great big


to longer days!

I have chronic depression, with a little seasonal affective disorder thrown in there, and have a "sun" lamp I bask in for 30 minutes every morning from equinox to equinox to keep "the monster" at bay. Before that, I ran around for years grumbling "I hate winter" under my breath for years. Now I can cope with it, but I do love summer and sun . . .

In Scotland (where I come from) it never gets really dark in winter - we get twilight from about 10 pm to 2 am, then dawn comes along. So, you can imagine in winter, it never really gets fully daylight, either. We get twilight from about 10 am to 2 pm, then it gets dark again. UUUUGGGGHHHH !!
Ahhh the winter solstice

Ahhh the winter solstice

Now that winter has finally arrived, can spring be far behind?

Longer daylight, sunnier days--bliss.
Happy Holidays to you too, Jim. I love your train!

Jeanette, another YAY from me too. I never liked longer nights either. SAD affected me too, but you know what, after the surgery it is not as bad as the years before, unless this is in my mind only:D
Thanks for the positive attitude regarding the Winter Solstice, and yes I agree its a good thing. But I'm afraid to say that winter is not over and come January and February winter storms can be at the worst in the Canadian Prairies - I won't be happy until I see the snow melt come March :eek:

My S/O also has a electric train set. HO scale made by MARKLIN; its made in Germany. The layout takes over 1/2 of our basement and its always under construction:eek:
Thanks for the positive attitude regarding the Winter Solstice, and yes I agree its a good thing. But I'm afraid to say that winter is not over and come January and February winter storms can be at the worst in the Canadian Prairies - I won't be happy until I see the snow melt come March :eek:

My S/O also has a electric train set. HO scale made by MARKLIN; its made in Germany. The layout takes over 1/2 of our basement and its always under construction:eek:


zipper2 (DEB)
There is also a set of crossing bars just to left of the picture - I think I missed them in the picture :mad:
That's a mirror in the background, so you can see the inside of the mountain
Winter arrives at 7:04 AM this morning (Sunday). It's the shortest day of the year, and the darkest, but from now on the days will get longer and brighter. As I celebrate today I wish the very best of happiness and health to everyone here on VR.

This is my ca. 1928 Lionel No. 248 electric toy locomotive running under our solstice evergreen tree.


This brings a smile to my face--thanks Jim!
A double slip switch and catenary! Wow!

Whats a double switch Jim? Are talking about the track that looks like the letter "X". There's about 8 engines that work on the catenary, the other 10 or so engines are steam engines and a couple of those really do puff out the that's cool. Oh......did mention some of these engines have sound? Yep I've got 1 big kid on my hands.........the other is just a pain :D

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