will they do my avr when i have a cold?

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Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
Lake City, FL
i have had a cold for 3 weeks now and have alredy taken antibiotics. i just finished them yesterday and i am still sick. i feel like i am getting better every day and i have until next wed. the 19th. it is mainley just sinuses draining with an occasional cough. i called my surgeon today and am waiting on an answer. i hope we can just wait and see if i get better in the next week and not reschedule. i am ready to get this done and am so stressed just to wait till next week. what do you guys think? by the way in case you remember me from a couple months ago i decided to go with the on-x and they are fixing my anuerysm. i am leaky enough now obviously that its time to take care of things. pray for me please?
It's not what you want to hear but if you are sick, they will likely postpone the surgery for both your sake and for the sake of the other patients. You'll definitely want to be rid of the cough before having OHS anyway. It's not fun coughing or (especially) sneezing while your incision is healing. Also OHS takes alot out of you so you'll want to be in the best shape possible to cope. Best wishes and good luck. I hope you'll be recovered enough to have the surgery as scheduled.
Yup, I second the vote on rescheduling. Although it is not a pleasant prospect, they want you in the best shape possible. I had a UTI about 2 weeks prior to my AVR and both my cardiologist and PCP would not release me for the surgery until I had gotten rid of all bacteria, which in my case turned out to be 2 days before my surgery. So keep after your doctor's so that you don't get bad news on your surgery day.:rolleyes:
Call your Surgeon and let him know now. You do not want to go into this any less then as well as you can possibly be.
Don't think any surgeon would want to operate on anyone who has a cold or any other type of infection. The stress of the surgery could worsen the cold -- not to mention spreading the virus/bacteria particles to staff and other patients.

And FWIW, don't get a regular vaccination (tetanus, flu, pneumonia, etc.) when you're ill or running a temp.

An antibiotic shot to treat the ailment is another thing, though.
the doc didn't call me back today so i'm hoping i'll be better tomorrow when they call. i have a 4 year old in preschool this year and we have had colds pretty much since school started in Aug. one right after the other. Seems like we are all almost over this one i just hope it hurries away.
I agree with everybody that you should go in for surgery as healthy as you can be, you need that, you need all your strength and like Wayne said you really don't want that cough and sneezing that is the worse after OHS. Hopefully you will get better soon enough, and it's really not fun to have surgery cancelled but if needed well better off. Prayers coming your way, take care, keep us posted.
I, too, agree with everyone else that you don't want to go into surgery until you're well. I had to have surgery years ago when i had a bad cold (i had no choice because the 3 surgeons couldn't get their schedules to align for months again to do the surgery i needed). I ended up with really bad pneumonia and chest tubes for 2 months. So, be safe and make sure you are totally over your cold before you have the surgery.
i'm over my cold today and the surgeon said he will do bloodwork on tues. to be sure i no infections in my system for surgery. so i'm set for wed nov. 19! ready to get it over with!
Happy to hear you can go ahead as planned. You did best by speaking with your surgeon. He certainly is the one who knows best.

Sending all good wishes for a successful surgery and easy, uneventful recovery.

Stay away from crowds this weekend so you don't get re-exposed. :)
Glad you are better and I added you to the calendar for the 19th, so It's official!
i am keeping the kids home from preschool until after my surgery is over and i am out of the hospital. i don't want to risk getting sick again. thanks for all of your well wishes!
the anaesthesia is tough on the lungs, and you don't want to go into this with any cold/flu - like infection hanging around. Kep washing those hands, and use that sanitizing fluid. Good luck !