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Duffman, Eva....more power to you both. I was a pretty cocky athlete most of my life and I wouldn't have considered doing that for a second. Of course, I've NEVER been a fan of ladders and roofs...and I trimmed and removed big trees with a rope and saddle for a while. But can you imagine the adrenaline rush you'd get from soaring? I can't really think of anything more intense than that.
Oh, it gets crazier than you would imagine. According to a news story on some cable channel recently, some of them get a 3 to 1 glide ratio. Jump from 5,000 feet and you can end up almost 3 miles down range. There are two or three types of suit designs depending on whether you want more hang time or want to do more aerobatics. Some are beginning to add jetpack boosters and others are base jumping and hugging cliff faces to catch updrafts.
Duffman, Eva....more power to you both. I was a pretty cocky athlete most of my life and I wouldn't have considered doing that for a second. Of course, I've NEVER been a fan of ladders and roofs...and I trimmed and removed big trees with a rope and saddle for a while. But can you imagine the adrenaline rush you'd get from soaring? I can't really think of anything more intense than that.
Me too,I have always been athletic,but heights...noooo thanks!
But this could be fun,as long as I have a parachute and it
may take someone to give me a shove:)

When I was like 5 or 10 years younger I could've easily done this without much hesitation. Now I'm nervous when I climb the ladder to get on my roof. :confused:

You think that's bad, I used to fly aircraft. That didn't bother me at all, but don't put me on a ladder! :eek: When I had a job insulating new homes, I used to get yelled at for taking too long to insulate a skylight, (For some reason, people think they need 4 or 5 of them in their new homes :mad:) but these people had insanely high ceilings and I mean to tell you, dragging the material up the ladder and then positioning it to tack it on had me scared to death.
This is about alot more than having a parachute.:eek:
On a danger scale of 1-10, you might put skydiving at a 2 and this at a 9.5;)
I have done several tandem skydives ( all pre op ) but this is way too ....stupid.... I and everyone else here spends our life trying to stay alive, these idiots are trying to end theirs
