Who has gotten the H1N1 (swine) flu shot?

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I'm not in the high risk group for H1N1, but when it's available, I'll get it. I got the seasonal flu shot along with a Tetanus booster last week both in my left deltoid and the pain was not that bad nor did it last more than a couple days. The pain of the blood being drawn for a glucose tolerance test yesterday was a lot worse...not to mention the hunger and lack of caffeine. I've had influenza twice and it's awful....much worse than the shot. I never want to be that sick again. Been getting flu shots for a few decades and never had any problems.
I have had my regular flu shot. Don't yet know about the H1N1 vaccine. It's not available to the general public here in La. I think it's now or will be shortly available at our local university.

Didn't even think to ask my cardio last week at my visit what he thought. I will see my family doctor in the near future. I guess I'll ask her what she thinks.
I am allergic to eggs...Pneumonia shots for me!

I am allergic to eggs...Pneumonia shots for me!

15 years ago I had an allergic reaction to a flu shot (big rash around the injection site). I have been given pneumonia shots since then and I am told that "it's the pneumonia that kills you anyway, so this is a good alternative." Does anyone out there get pneumonia shots?:confused:
Went to my GP this morning for a stomach bug and she recommended I get the Swine Flu shot. I asked her if she was getting it and she said definitely. She has colleagues who have already got it and had no dramas. I trust her so when I am well enough I am going to get it. Will let you know how I go.
Do You Know What Fast Tracked Vaccines Are?

Do You Know What Fast Tracked Vaccines Are?

I posted this as a thread all by itself but believe it is important enough to be posted in this thread as well.
The article was written by:

Bevonne Birch,
Native American Medicine Woman

When I read the following comments from Dr. Mercola, I felt they needed to be shared. Do you know what Fast-Tracked Vaccines are?
Dr. Mercola says, “By very definition, fast-tracked vaccines are those that have received very little safety testing prior to being used. So any time you agree to get one, you are essentially a guinea pig.”
The World Health Organization says: “Time constraints mean that clinical data at the time when pandemic vaccines are first administered will inevitably be limited. Further testing of safety and effectiveness will need to take place after administration of the vaccine has begun.”
“Why would anyone who knows the facts sign up for a vaccine that really needs further safety studies … but won’t receive them until AFTER it’s already been given out? By then it will be too late. Please realize that if you receive a swine flu vaccine, you will be acting as a TEST subject. It’s a giant game of Russian Roulette that you simply want to avoid.”
“Nearly all of the vaccines created will also include thimerosal (mercury), and the toxic adjuvant squalene, both of which have been clearly shown to carry significant health risks.”
“You should know that vaccine makers and federal officials have been rendered immune from lawsuits. Should anything go wrong with this vaccine they will not have to pay a single cent to anyone!”
“In the last few days alone,” Dr. Mercola says, “I’ve seen major news outlets warning that come flu season, the swine flu could kill 90,000 Americans and hospitalize 2 million. This sounds a lot like the fear-mongering that went on during the Bird Flu pandemic (that never materialized) back in 2005.”
In response to this newest swine flu pandemic, what did the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently suggest? “Swine flu shots for all!” As the Washington Post reported, CDC said: “As soon as a vaccine is available, try to get it for everyone.”
You might be tempted to do just that if you believe the sensational number of swine flu deaths they’re predicting. But, really, these numbers are not based on facts. “WHO continues to define the severity of the H1N1 virus to be moderate, generally defined as an illness requiring neither hospitalization nor even medical care. Most cases are having MILD symptoms that clear up on their own.”
“Further, no one really knows for sure just how many cases of swine flu there are, because some countries are no longer confirming them by lab. In the UK, for example, they now appear to be collecting swine flu data online and via the phone, based on nothing but self-assessment. So did they really contract the swine flu? Or did the vast majority of them simply have a case of the sniffles or a seasonal flu bug? Without laboratory confirmation, no one will ever know, but they sure are using those numbers to scare you!”
The question we need to be asking ourselves is “Who will benefit from the pandemic?” When you hear the media dishing out the latest statistics about a flu pandemic understand that “Big Pharmacy … stands to gain up to $49 billion a year on the swine flu vaccine alone plus an infinite amount on top of that for future pandemic vaccines. The vaccine manufacturers would love for every man, woman, and child to heed the CDC’s advice to get vaccinated. But now you know better.”
“Even though swine flu appears to be continuing to spread, you need to know that this is typically a MILD illness. Most cases resolve with no medical care needed whatsoever”, says Dr. Mercola. And in the future, anytime a new “pandemic” appears and officials urge you to rush out and get a shot, please remember this article and ask yourself if it’s really you who stands to benefit from their advice.”
In India the traditional remedy for swine flu is in the form of the basil leaves commonly known as Tulsi or Holy Basil. It is well known for its remarkable healing properties. But the anti-flu property of Holy Basil has been discovered by medical experts across the world quite recently. It improves your body's overall defense mechanism, including its ability to fight viral diseases.

Holy Basil is one of the most effective adaptogens (an agent that helps your body adapt more efficiently to stress) ever known. Known benefits are:
· Improve your body’s overall defense mechanisms, including its ability to fight viral diseases
· Help speed up your recovery process if you do get the swine flu
· Strengthen your immune system
These benefits may stem from Holy Basil’s highly complex, unique chemistry. It contains beneficial compounds called phytochemicals -- naturally occurring compounds that plants produce to protect themselves against bacteria, viruses and fungi -- that interact and have strong antioxidant, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and immune-enhancing properties that promote general health and maintain your body's natural defense against germs, stress and disease. Traditional use: some people like to use it as an herb tea, others like to use it on the bottoms of the feet twice a day.
If you are concerned about the swine flu, I would highly recommend using Holy Basil 15 ml - $17.00, Spice Traders 15 ml - $25.00, Defense 60 capsules - $25.00, and Vitamin C - 90 capsules - $12.00 over any of the flu drugs or vaccines being offered.
I use the Defense to strengthen and keep my immune system strong. I believe the flu virus that is out there now has mutated from the one in the vaccines that are being made available. I know of too many experiences where the flu shot has caused the flu. I would rather use the Defense and be safe.
I use the Spice Traders copal on the bottoms of my feet night and morning plus diffusing it 30 minutes a day. I find the best time to diffuse Spice Traders is in the evening after everyone is home. The spices in this copal are known to kill airborne germs.

It is important you get Vitamin C. You will need more than the RDA of 60 mg's. During this time of year I find taking over 1000 mg a day works for me.

One way to check to see if you are getting enough Vitamin C is to look at your finger nails. When the little white moons appear on all your fingernails your body is receiving enough Vitamin C. The moons on the little fingers go first so if they are not there your body is requesting more Vitamin C. Since Vitamin C is water soluble it needs to be replaced almost daily.
Ummmm, I respect your decision to not protect yourself (and indirectly, others) by opting to not get a flu shot; however, the abundance of information about H1N1 and flu vaccines in general seem to differ from your statements. I'm wondering if you can perhaps post the source of information that indicates that "no one can tell you exactly what's in it" and that "more people die of the vaccinations than of the actual flu"?

Please read this about the 1976 so called flu epidemic

Maryka, I've had pneumonia 3 times, twice after having had the pneumonia shot that was supposed to keep you from getting it. Better clarify.....I didn't get pneumonia from the shot, but got the shot after the first time I had pneumonia and that was supposed to take care of me for life. But some years after the shot I got pneumonia two years in a row. Now they've changed the recommendation to two shots. So about three years ago I got shot #1 and then just a couple of months ago I got the second and am supposed to be protected for life. We'll see!! But, I have not had it again since that shot I got 3 years ago. So, think your doctor is probably on the right track with giving you the shots....pneumonia is a pain in the b....reath!


I don't think I had the two shot procedure, so I think I'll ask about that. My little grandson had two pneumonia shots, but I thought maybe that was because he is a baby.

I had every flu that came down the road for most of my life, so I probably had any earlier swine flu's. On the other hand, I was primarily named for my "aunt" who died at 3 years old in the flu epidemic of 1917. I do not buy the conspiracy arguments against getting the shots.
They already ran out of it at my PCP's office in Manhattan. It will be 2 weeks
before they get more. Turns out EVERYONE wanted it. I have heard that there
are a few clinics that may still have some.
I wasn't sure if I was going to get it anyway..I always have bad reactions
to flu vaccines most of the time,same as my mother,but in this case I was
gonna risk it.
Perhaps this isn't quite on-topic but I remembered this thread from several years ago, discussing the dangers of taking the live flu spray:


Though I don't know if the spray is even an option for the Swine Flu vaccines, further research may be a good reminder for those of us with valve issues.

On a side-note, my father-in-law developed a very severe case of Guillain-Barre Syndrome many years ago; and in the long list of contraindications of the regular yearly flu vaccine, people closely related to a person who had developed GBS should not get a flu shot. It was my husband who discovered this important fact.

(I need to add an edit here for clarification: No one ever figured out exactly from what source my FIL developed GBS.)

It's interesting to note that a GBS warning may not always be on the short list of contraindications. So checking the long list might be a good idea.

I saw at least one other post here that referenced a previous GBS outbreak that was related to the previous, decades-old, U.S. Swine Flu outbreak, and the the Swine Flu innoculations. GBS can be horrible and fatal.
On a side-note, my father-in-law developed a very severe case of Guillain-Barre Syndrome many years ago; and in the long list of contraindications of the regular yearly flu vaccine, people closely related to a person who had developed GBS should not get a flu shot. It was my husband who discovered .
I have to agree, and this is one of my concerns as my sister is one out of
several hundred million who managed to contract polio from the polio vaccine
she received as a toddler. It took many years to find the cause of her
muscle degeneration in her left leg,and while it was mild initially,it seems
to be progressing. Friends used to tell her she should play the lottery,as
she seems to have the long odds on her side.
Perhaps this isn't quite on-topic but I remembered this thread from several years ago, discussing the dangers of taking the live flu spray:


Though I don't know if the spray is even an option for the Swine Flu vaccines, further research may be a good reminder for those of us with valve issues.

On a side-note, my father-in-law developed a very severe case of Guillain-Barre Syndrome many years ago; and in the long list of contraindications of the regular yearly flu vaccine, people closely related to a person who had developed GBS should not get a flu shot. It was my husband who discovered this important fact.

It's interesting to note that a GBS warning may not always be on the short list of contraindications. So checking the long list might be a good idea.

I saw at least one other post here that referenced a previous GBS outbreak that was related to the previous, decades-old, U.S. Swine Flu outbreak, and the the Swine Flu innoculations. GBS can be horrible and fatal.

Actually this is a big discussion on my CHD list. YES the Spray for the H1N1 is the live vaccine, like the regular flu, BUT unfortunately the shot is coming later than the spray. Justin is holding out for the shot, since he was never supposed to use Flumist because of the live vaccine.
The CDC site has a list of people that should NOT get the live vaccine, pretty much the nasal is for people that are healthy. Ill look for a link
This is for the LIVE vaccine (nasal spray)
5 Some people should not get
the vaccine or should wait
You should not get 2009 H1N1 LAIV if you have a severe
(life-threatening) allergy to eggs, or to any other substance
in the vaccine. Tell the person giving you the vaccine if you
have any severe allergies.
2009 H1N1 LAIV should not be given to the following groups.
• children younger than 2 and adults 50 years and older
• pregnant women,
• anyone with a weakened immune system,
• anyone with a long-term health problem such as
- heart disease - kidney or liver disease
- lung disease - metabolic disease such as diabetes
- asthma - anemia and other blood disorders
• children younger than 5 years with asthma or one or more
episodes of wheezing during the past year,
• anyone with certain muscle or nerve disorders (such as
cerebral palsy) that can lead to breathing or swallowing
• anyone in close contact with a person with a severely
weakened immune system (requiring care in a protected
environment, such as a bone marrow transplant unit),
• children or adolescents on long-term aspirin treatment.
If you are moderately or severely ill, you might be advised to
wait until you recover before getting the vaccine. If you have
a mild cold or other illness, there is usually no need to wait.
Tell your doctor if you ever had:
• a life-threatening allergic reaction after a dose of seasonal
fl u vaccine,
• Guillain-Barré syndrome (a severe paralytic illness also
called GBS).
These may not be reasons to avoid the vaccine, but the
medical staff can help you decide.
2009 H1N1 LAIV may be given at the same time as most other
vaccines. Tell your doctor if you got any other vaccines within
the past month or plan to get any within the next month. H1N1
LAIV and seasonal LAIV should not be given together

Here is the link to the main page about H1N1 vaccines at the cdc site http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/vaccination/general.htm
I had the shot this Saturday. Had mild side effects (low fever and headache) but otherwise fine.

I am quite exposed, working in Stockholm, London and Copenhagen with many co-workers having had it. Also have some issues with the diaphragma and pleuritis, so it felt like an easy decision.

I am very mixed as to what to do about this shot!! In the 70's the folks that had trouble with it were a small minority compared to how many recieved it... and thus far my family have never reacted badly to immunizations...

I have asthma and so that concerns me.. So far I am planning on a pneumonia shot for sure.. though in this economy I don't know if I can afford the copay:eek:

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