I feel the need to add the following to this thread. Take what you want and leave the rest.
I never eat shellfish and the reason is that it is unclean. They are the scavengers of the sea and not meant for human consumption. (My opinion) What that means is that they are bottom feeders, and what they feed on, I believe we should not put into our bodies.
My husband and I always get a chuckle out of the following, but it happens nearly every time when we go to a fine restaurant for dinner. The waiter comes over and says: "Hello, would you be interested in hearing about our special tonight? "Sure", we reply, knowing full well what he'll say next. The special tonight is Pork Tenderloin (unclean as well), stuffed with crab, ringed with scallops, and drizzled in a lobster sauce.
We nod our heads and I stifle a laugh, but in my mind, though, the waiter has just said: "The special tonight is fresh garbage, ringed with raw sewage and drizzled with solid waste".
Do I need say more.....
Just my opinion....