Well-known member
Dan, thanks for the information and the pictures...they were very educational.
Rosebud, At your age, you are not going to be looking to have a tissue valve replaced every 12 years. Tissue valves are being used more and more and places like Cleveland Clinic and Mayo Clinic in people under 60 for very good reasons. Dan, it's ridiculous to imply that an 80 year old is going to go through a tissue valve in 12 years. You are stating this stuff as facts when they absolutely are not.
I agree. At age 56, most surgeons would suggest you have a much better chance of a tissue valve lasting 16-18-20 years. The newest version are new enough they really don't know they won't last even longer. They expect for someone in the around 60 year range to certainly get more than 12 years from their tissue valve. Almost any/every surgeon would agree choosing a tissue valve at age 56 is a perfectly reasonable thing to do and most would select that for themselves/family were they to need this surgery.
Bottom Line: Every Valve has it's positive and negative aspects. People who make their own choice typically choose the valve whose negative aspects they believe they can best live with.
Rosebud welcome to VR.
I think you encapsulated valve choice very well in your statement.
Bottom Line: Every Valve has it's positive and negative aspects. People who make their own choice typically choose the valve whose negative aspects they believe they can best live with.
every valve choice has good and bad points,my surgeon told me very straight, tissue you will need another op most likely, mech you will be on anti coags which no one wants to be on regardless of what is said, BUT there will both save your life and BOTH serve you well in most cases,to me its a win win situation,listen to the experts and dont be to swayed by one man or womens experience ,
I am having my second open heart surgery Feb. 8...replacing a St. Jude Mechanical Valve (first surgery March, 1986) and also having an aortic aneurysm repaired. I had the first surgery at age 37 and I am now 62. The mechanical valve has calcified and needs to be replaced before heart damage. I am still undecided on which valve to have this time.....coumadin therapy for 25 years has not been pleasant. I can't get INR's regulated for any length of time and also had bleeding well as levels not thin enough. I go to a protime clinic at my cardiologist and test several times a month....last year I had well over 59 protimes and also on Lovenox injections for almost a month due to a colonoscopy that involved bleeding. I had to have a second colonoscopy to have clips to stop the bleeding. I understand the chance of having a third surgery sometime later but hopefully there will be a better way to have a redo. So as of now I am leaning toward the tissue valve based on twenty five years of coumadin therapy. If this was my first surgery the mechanical valve would be more of a choice but I don't think I can deal with more long term coumadin. I have a list of questions and printed material to take with me to Duke on the 7th for my surgeon to go over with me. I will make my choice then...but my primary care dr, surgeon, cardiologist are saying that the tissue might be my solution. I just want to wake up from the surgery knowing I made the right decision and live to see is wonderful world.