Where's the kittty?

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Just had to post this. Our 120 lb. Shepherd/Lab mix goes zonkers over the cat. The Zuni was on the couch and Buckley jumps up to catch a few Zz. Had NO idea the cat was there. We love him to pieces him, but he's no rocket scientist.
Cute pic. Our Boxer is very scared of our kitties and makes wide circles around them in order to avoid the claws. Where did the name Zuni come from? Our neighbors have a cat that looks identical whose name is Zuna. Is it from a book or movie?
what gorgeous animals

what gorgeous animals

That is a gorgeous pic. What a beautiful dog.
I have a dog whos is no rocket scientist either his name is ziggy. I would love to post a picture of my dogs but I dont know how. Can anyone please tell me how to do this? Im sure its very simple I have just never done it on this site before.