Where's Billy from N. Ireland?

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What happened to Billy from N. Ireland? I have not seen him around the site lately. Anyone know?
Hey Mara

Hey Mara

Hey Mara,

Thanks for thinking about me - I'm still here in cool and mostly wet Northern Ireland, just patiently looking forward to the spring weather which must be just around the corner.

Hank's right, I have moved to a new home and am still trying to get things done. There's been a lot happening in my life recently and I have been less involved in the activities of VR.com. I have been visiting mostly as a 'lurker' so that I can keep up to date on what's going on and so that I'll be familiar with everybody who shows up in Vegas in October. Will you and David be planning to attend?

Thanks again for your concern.
Hi Billy,

Good to see your face! Hows the new house? So you're waiting for Spring? How nice. We were too in good old Chicagoland. Then yesterday we got dumped with about a foot of snow and temps will be below zero tonight. Never fear though, the sun is is out bright and strong today, trying to melt off some of the icey roads! Take care!
Hi Billy!
I don't know if David and I will make to Vegas, but we will be in your neck of the woods in late June for David's cousin's wedding in Belfast.

How's your new house?

Billy and Mara

Billy and Mara

Hi Billy ...it was nice to see your face ...I'd wondered where you gone ...looks like you're having the same weather as us ...I've had enough of it ...really wanting spring ...school is a long day when the wee kiddos don't get out to play ..and everyone is coughing and spluttering ....glad to hear you are okay ...take care

Mara ....are you heading over to Scotland this summer ?...if so when ...where ?....how are you keeping my the way ?
and David ...how is he doing ?