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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
Haven't seen any posts in a while from Zipper#5 (Maureen) and from Bob Gleason and Ticktock. Earth to you guys--come in and let us know how you're doing.
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Zipper and my oncologist visit

Zipper and my oncologist visit

Hi Nancy...
Talked with Zipper (Joan) last night in heart chat on WebMD. Just wanted to let you know that she is still around!

I had my visit with my oncologist yesterday. For many months he and I have been going around and around about doing a bone marrow aspiration to see how I am doing (how many bad chromosomes that the Gleevec is killing). He kept insisting that a blood test called PCR was the way to go, citing the cost of bma and pain as reasons. Well yesterday, when I expect to get the PCR.... he told me that he had talked to the experts at Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland and that they do not recommend PCR until at least three BMAs have been done! Hmmm... wonder who else might have been telling him that??? lol

Everyone on the CML board has been making quite a fuss about how much BMAs hurt... they use a long needle and go into the hip bone. Well, maybe the surgeon who did my mastectomy is right... he says that I don't feel pain like others. It didn't hurt that bad... the sinus draining and when they drained the fluid off my lung hurt more!

Will hear the results in one week... then will have another one in three months. If three of these tests come out okay, then we will do the PCR, which is the most sensitive of the tests. If the PCR is okay then I will be headed to Seattle to have a stem cell harvest. This is exciting... with the harvest, if my CML ever accelerates (bad idea... that would mean that the end is near) I can have a stem cell transplant using my own marrow!

So... everyone keep your fingers and every other crossable part of your bodies crossed!!!!

Take care,
Hi Zazzy-

I hope things go well for you.

I was looking for Zipper#5 (Maureen), it's confusing because there are 2 of them.

I also forgot to add Ticktock. Haven't heard your shining face in a while either.
Dear Zazzy - I've always got stuff crossed for you. And I try for a direct line upwards and will continue to do so. You are always at the top and middle of my prayer list.I wish you sunny days every day. God bless - Hensylee
hi zazzy!
you are on our minds and in our prayers. keep up the good attitude; you are just amazing and a wonderful example to all of us. we're here for you if/when you need us.
God bless you,
hi Zazzy

hi Zazzy

Hi there Zazzy ...thinking about you here....often ...take care
Zazzy's BMA

Zazzy's BMA

Is Bone Marrow Aspiration the same as Bone Marrow Biopsy? Sounds the same to me. My husband had one in Nov for the Mycosis Fungoides he has (see my post under pre-surgery). They gave him something to relax him first--actually it put him completely out. He woke up in a few minutes and it was all over. Would you believe I dropped him off at work right after. He's a house painter! He never felt a thing, during or after.