When to schedule my surgery?!

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Yup, anything you can do prior to surgery to expedite that short term disability will help. I vaguely remember getting phone calls from the disability company; I can't imagine that what I told them was much help. I was pretty loopy those first days home from surgery. But they were great; I never missed a check and the checks were always on time.
That's great Paul. One less thing to worry about. Has there been any talk of robotic surgery for you? I know it's becoming more common especially around these parts. There is another Paul on this forum that just had robotic mitral valve repair at St. Luke's. Just wondering if your surgeon mentioned it to you?


My surgery was delayed one week, due to my surgeon's vacation. I was sorry for the delay but really glad to have him there. I was delayed from 6-23-05 to 6-30-05 and he was the surgeon on the floor for the July 4th weekend.
I didn't find out until last fall that the hospital where I had my surgery had a higher than state and national average for mortality rates. They voluntarily eleceted to stop all open heart surgeries there and got Boston doctors involved to identify and resolve the problem. It was identified as a communications issue whatever that is. I was more relieved that it was postponed after learning that. If you have faith in your surgeon then I for one am really glad he was there.

Glad you got the date resolved. You will feel better knowing your surgeon will be around to check on you. Also good it is sooner not later so you can join us on this side of the mountain.
kingpeta said:
That's great Paul. One less thing to worry about. Has there been any talk of robotic surgery for you? I know it's becoming more common especially around these parts. There is another Paul on this forum that just had robotic mitral valve repair at St. Luke's. Just wondering if your surgeon mentioned it to you?

Good question pete, I discussed both minimally invasive and robotic surgery with 2 cardios and 2 surgeons. Neither surgeon has used these methods yet. My surgeon did expect over time that it may become the preferred method, but felt at this point, I'm better off going with traditional surgery. My cardiologist had the same opinion. Their main concern seemed to stem from time on the heart/lung machine. In their opinion, surgery can be done quicker using traditional methods, and the sooner one can get off the machine, the better off you are. I do know surgeons using these methods are getting more efficient at them. Alas, it is only available at St. Lukes, which isn't covered by my health plan, so didn't seriously consider it. I'm sure if St Lukes was in my plan, I would have investigated it further. They have an excellent reputation. However, I'm comfortable with the surgeon and Hospital I've selected, so won't be doing any more investigation.

joanne6 said:
Glad you got the date resolved. You will feel better knowing your surgeon will be around to check on you. Also good it is sooner not later so you can join us on this side of the mountain.

Joanne, so what is it like on your side of the mountain? :)
Debster said:
Okay-how wacko is this? When my mom had her mitral valve replaced last April-she NEVER saw her surgeon after surgery and hasn't seen him to this day!!! He came and talked to us after she was out, and that was it! She saw many cardios(there are like 12 or so in her practice) while she was in the hospital, but never again saw the man who did it. Not the best deal in the world-and her surgery was high risk(she waited to long for surgery and has other health issues) I would not recommend this to others, just sharing this weird experience!!:rolleyes: Debbie ps I did meet the man before her surgery-was impressed with him and heard many glowing recommendations, not sure what the deal was!

Interesting thread! I had a very similar experience during my surgery. I saw Dr Lytle the week before my surgery, he told me to have any questions I might have written down the day of. I didn't have anything written down, but at the same time, that was a good thing because I don't recall EVER seeing him the day of surgery or any day while I was in the hospital. Like others, I was seen every day by his fellow (at 6:30 in the morning usually!!), as well as his nurse practictioner later in the morning. I was also seen daily by the cardiologists clinician as well as the cardiologist floor attending. While it struck me as strange to NEVER see Dr Lytle, I knew he must be keeping track of me because of comments made to me (like Dr Lytle will have a fit if he finds out you have a fever and we left this central line in you). I remember during my first visit with him he received several phone calls about patients in the ICU, so I know he didn't just desert me. But I think I would liked to have actually seen him the day of surgery. He did call my family back to his office after my surgery (and scared my poor sister in law half to death thinking something awful had happened), so they got to see him at least! I figured not seeing him after surgery was a good thing, it meant I was doing well and didn't need to see him!

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