when they're lookin down at us

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Hey Henslee,
Thanks for sharing that with us. It is really cool.

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Great picture! Couldn't have came at a better time,my daughter has a map test on the continents tommorrow! what a way to study! Thanks!
Sadly, the picture was compiled from satellite photo's for the purpose of showing the impact of light pollution. There is a larger pic shows the entire world.

Did you know that in major cities, it is possible to see less than 30 stars because of light pollution?

I read in an astonomy magazine that on a particularly clear few days in L.A. a couple of years ago that the govt. received several calls of concern from individuals wondering what the strange belt of lights in the sky were; as it turned out.....it was the Milky Way.

Light pollution has also affected many animal species whose circadian systems get screwed up by too un-natural amounts of man-made light.

There are several cities that have made adjustments to lower wattage lights and sheilded lights, which makes a considerable difference to our ability to view the stars.

I am not an activist, but I thought I would point out the unfortunate side of such a beautiful photo.

If you are interested in learning more, go here:

Kevin, you are right that in cities you can't see the sky at night, much less the stars. I am one of the lucky ones because I live in the country. I have seen comets, falling stars, wonderful full moon nights when you can almost read the newspaper, satellites.......
photos from above

photos from above

Hi Hennyslee, that was beautiful, thanks for sharing it. Even if it is light pollution, it looks pretty, at least from that point of view!!!

It is amazing to see where the concentrations of people (with electricity) are located, and how many of us there are. It would be interesting to know how far out we are visible.


Can't see much of Alaska in that picture. If you want to gaze at the stars and the northern lights, this is the state to be in! Doesn't take long to get out of the city and into the dark night for sky gazing.
Engineers just love to play with their toys...

Engineers just love to play with their toys...

they come up with some pretty cool stuff sometimes. One of the guys in my husband's office printed out a huge copy this picture and then zoomed in on our area and printed another one. It?s amazing how much detail there really is when you zoom in.... you can even see little ol? Cortez.... and identify most of the towns in CO on it.

If ya can?t make it up to Peggy?s house in Alaska, come on over to CO...... We could all go camping and enjoy our sky full of stars!! :)

I'd love to see Colorado some day. Have some good friends in Nederland. I know Colorado must be a beautiful state.


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