When did you say goodby to Huggy Pillow in public?

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I got 2 in the hospital, hand made by the volunteers. Of course, they didn't last long after I got home. I left one on the bed one day, and Jet disemboweled it, just like she does to all her stuffed toys.:D
This is a funny thread. I took mine everywhere for about the first 3 weeks of recovery. When i started leaving it at home and eventually stopped using it all together, it felt very strange. Me and that pillow had a wilson/cast away thing going on.
I got 2 in the hospital, hand made by the volunteers. Of course, they didn't last long after I got home. I left one on the bed one day, and Jet disemboweled it, just like she does to all her stuffed toys.:D

Justing made them for his Eagle project for the childrens hospital he was going to, and actually made a batches to take at his appts for a few years later, It was fun watching a bunch of 12,13 year old boys fuguring out the sewing machine.
I hear you about the dogs, most of our stuffed animals now are just the empty shell and I HATE thoose little plastic beads they stuff some with. :)
Pillow? I got a wonderful Teddy Bear - he was my constant companion for the first two months,now he just hangs out in bed.

Two weeks out I went shopping and left Touchdown(his name) in the car. I ran into a friend who rushed to hug me...scared the beejuzus out of me and offended her as i ran away screaming...I found Touchdown a good warning system to the world that they should keep their distancs..believe me people cautiously approach a 45 year old man carrying a teddy bear.
:eek::eek: What do mean, "say goodby to my huggy pillow?" Why do I have to do that??? LOl.
I still have mine in my car. I found another use for it. When my fellow crazy California drivers get on my nerves, I just scream into it:eek:
I found Touchdown a good warning system to the world that they should keep their distancs..believe me people cautiously approach a 45 year old man carrying a teddy bear.

lol! I can't imagine why!

Sue, I guess the government health system can't afford the fancy stuff!!!!
Four years out, Superbob still goes to sleep at night hugging his huggy pillow (isn't that sweet, Lois Lane? :D) and he takes it with him on overnight trips. However, he does not take it with him to the mall or on hikes, etc., and didn't do so even shortly after surgery.
I was obviously deprived of something wonderful, I was just given a rolled up towel stuck with tape and told that it was my 'dolly'. When I went home I used one of my own towels for a while.

Same thing here except they called it my "baby". When I got home, my husband rigged up rolled up towels with an elastic strap to go around my neck. I slept with it around my neck so I wouldn't get elbowed in the chest by my husband!

I would have loved to have had a heart pillow or teddy bear!!!
At our hospital we give our really neat bears made just for heart patients. Their job is to be hugged!! Mine sits on a shelf with the rest of my bears that I've have collected over time. He was very useful, very comforting, especially when I sneezed or coughed. It's a wonder I didn't squeeze the stuffing out of him.
Stopped using the pillow for car trips after 4 weeks.

I would have liked a teddy bear:(

Mended Hearts gave me a nice pillow made by volunteers and a folder full of stuff about their organization.

Sue--the pillow was so soft that I started using a folded towel, but I only called it "my towel".;)
We received a heart shaped pillow at Dayton Heart which I brought home. I used it in public for about 3 weeks after I came home, now it stays on my bed unless I am coughing or sneezing alot then I carry it with me. I usually always take it in the car with me and always on trips but not to work anymore! So glad I had the pillow, I sneezed for about a week after I came home!

AVR May 2008