Is it a Pile Driver or a Phillips Screwdriver?
Barrett L:
After you have viewed Al Lodwick's material on dental practices, you might want to search the net for articles on the topic. I found the following:
Wahl, MJ, Myths of dental surgery in patients receiving anticoagulant therapy, Journal of the American Dental Association, 2000, Jan; 131 (1); 77-81.
Al mentioned this on his site. Conclusions of this study included:
" Serious embolic complications were three times more likely to occur in patients whose anticoagulant therapy was INTERRUPTED than were bleeding complications in patients whose anticoagulant therapy was CONTINUED (and those whose anticoagulation levels were within or below therapeutic levels). Interrupting therapeutic levels of continuous anticoagulation for dental surgery is not based on scientific fact, but seems to be based on its own mythology."
Alexander, Ricardo etal, Stop the nonsense not the anticoagulants: A matter of life and death - 11/02" New York State Dental Association. note: The three authors are dentists.
The conclusions are the same for this article. However, its strength is that it includes descriptions of procedures that can be done to protect the patient's health and safety.
There are numerous other articles and writings from dentists, dental associations, and doctors that maintain it is not necessary to interrupt anticoagulation for surgical removal of teeth. I strongly suggest that you copy these articles and send them to your doctors and dentist. My husband's dentist did not know of these until he was given a copy. I'd be glad to send you want I have. You can email me through this board, if you like.