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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2001
Chicago, IL
Now that the holiday is behind us.....wondering how many of you have checked your INR?

Personally indulged lightly in what I wanted for the past week. Well, with the exception of my Merlot. Included a few small salads and my holiday broccoli casserole. Still came in at a 4.0 today. That does not alarm me as much as a low INR. To boot I treated myslef to another salad!
3.4..smack dab in the middle of where I want to be. I basically paid no attention to what I ate, outside of not filling up to bursting as I have in the past. Having said that, I don't really go in for the broccolli anyway, so I didn't take in anything that would have had an unusual INR effect.
Tyce was 3.0 on the nose last night......YAHOO!!! He's not a big veggie person, but on Thanksgiving, he's a big EVERYTHING person. Ev
I was so "aware" of what I was eating during the holidays that my INR was at 3.9. I told my doc not to change my dose. I woud just eat more greens! Yeah!! Bring on the salad with an avocado!
Hi Gina,

Thanksgiving morning I was 2.8 I check again on Thurs, so I will post the change after I test.

Snow in Chicago...glad I don't have to shovel..retired my snowshovel in 1980. I just let it melt now. hehehehe

I came in at 3.2 on Saturday night. It's so nice to finally be "regulated."
I came in at 4.7 Monday night. Had to cut my dose in half for one day. I ate whatever I wanted during the Thanksgiving Holiday and even indulged in a couple of White Russians. Yummy!!
Before Vegas I had never heard of a White Russian drink but Joanie got me addicted. Blame it on her!

AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
Tucson, AZ
Hi GIna,

Well, the results are in!

Thanksgiving morning, prior to the feast: 2.8

One week later: 3.2

Guess I can either eat a good salad today, or cut my dose from 5 mg to 2.5 tonight, and that should bring me back close to range.

I escaped the storm here, we missed the ice by about 20 miles. See, there are some advantages to living south of the Mason/Dixon line. For example... I haven't owned a snow shovel since 1980!!!! hehehehhe..... You can keep all that white stuff up there. I'l come visit, play in it, then get back south of the line.

Happy Holidays!
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Let it Snow!!

Let it Snow!!


You sure lucked out missing that storm. You better buy a Lottery ticket.

Poor Gina is freezing her cute little tootsies here. But that's Chicago weather.
We've been in a real cold snap, but the sun is shining today and I might even wash my car at lunch time. We Northerners somehow just put up with it. Heck, I even go out and hit golf balls in this weather (only at ranges with overhead heaters though).

I do notice my valves-a-clicking when I'm out in the cold.

I'm seeing countess dracula tomorrow. Will contribute results next week. Prior to Thanksgiving I nailed a 3.1!

Happy Holidaze!
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Well I have been 2.3, 2.5 range since second week after surgery. But 3 weeks ago we had to change labs and I came in at 3.1, now on Dec 4 I am at 3.5. They wanted to reduce the dose but I suggested a few nore salads and a little more exercise. As many here have suggested rather than chase the dose up and down the chart..

My range is supposed to be 2.0-3.0 but I feel more comfort at the high side. Especially since I think it odd that I jumped so high with the lab change. will see in a few more weeks.
I registered a 3.3 this morning, the first time checked since two weeks ago when I was 2.9. I had done 41 mg a week for those two weeks, so now I'll do a 40 week and a 41 week to lower the INR very slightly. My ideal dosage seems to have settled somewhere between 40 and 41.
I bought a new bottle of Jack this morning; my sons drained the other bottle when they were home for Thanksgiving. I helped a very little, since it does go well with watching football.
I also heard this morning that here in Michigan we have a wind chill of 10. I don't remember hearing before about a wind chill that was positive. We don't usually go below a 40 below wind chill.


Tested today at 2.6 from 2.5 2 weeks ago..Had some turnip greens and cornbread 2 days ago..Now don't you Yankee friends go YIKES..They are good for you. Will make you pretty:D :D :D Bonnie
I'm at 3.0 today

I'm at 3.0 today

Not bad considering I have been on Lovenox a lot the past few weeks. Just can't seem to bring up my INR. Curious as to why I shot up since Tues (was at 2.4). Started new Rx for shortness of breath (dyazide) and changes on my echo. Not sure if that is what caused me to go up so quickly. I am on 7/8/7/8 etc......

Glad to finally be in range. Let's hope I stay there!

I'm still chasing mine!

I'm still chasing mine!

4.6 today and sinuses are a bleeding. I'm supposed to hold over the weekend and retest Monday. I think holding 2 doses and testing that soon is going to have me way out of whack again. :(
Hi Ross,

When I've had a high INR like 4.9 my new doctor also has told me to hold the Coumadin for 48 hours. I've listened once long time ago when I still had the doctor from hell. Never again will I hold the Coumadin for 48 hours because my INR bottomed out at 1.5. I saw how dangerous that was because I threw a blood clot at 1.4 and the AVR had to be redone in 2000. Now I just don't listen but agree with them over the phone (uh uh, yes, ok etc.) but do what I think is best for me, and just cut the dose in half for one day. Next day I go back to the full dose.
I tested this past Tuesday morning and tested 4.7. I saw the doctor that same morning for my check-up and I told him my results. He said, just cut the dose in half for today, but go back to the full dose tomorrow!
I couldn't believe what I heard because I was expecting him to say to hold the Coumadin for 48 hours, but no, he said to cut the dose in half. Since I take my Coumadin in the morning now, I already had done this, and told him so.
Yeah, we are best buddies. I told him I was flying to Europe this coming week and wouldn't call him until I got back in January. He seemed okay with that and wished me a good trip

Wishing you all the best.

AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
Tucson, AZ

PS. I have also been on antibiotics for 10 days and that raises the INR.
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With me, they worry about lung bleeding episodes, which is why they say to hold rather then take half doses. I still think 2 holding days will have me down to 1.? and I don't think testing it on Monday is going to show the true picture. Maybe I'm nuts. Don't answer that! ;)
The 10% Solution

The 10% Solution

Ross, I think you are a candidate for the 10% solution. But first check with Al Lodwick, he sometimes advises the 15% or even 20% solution. Be careful!