What's a good pain medication that I can take?

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As a general rule, I forego pain medications because they make me feel worse than the pain does. However, the shoulder pain (diagnosis is frozen shoulder) is starting to wear me down. I tried to roll over last night before I gave the joint time to realize we were moving, and I let out a yell that about woke the household. Then I laid there and sobbed like a baby. :( :( I don't remember the last time I cried with pain, maybe during childbirth, but I don't want it to become a nightly occurrence. :( :( :(

I take 325 mg of enteric coated aspirin daily; is it possible to take another dose of it during the night? I can't take anything that lists it might cause stomach bleeding, because I would have the bleeding.
I ended up taking Extra Strength Tylenol, but it really doesn't cut the pain. Darvon works, but it makes me sick at my stomach.
Does anyone know a med I could use for muscle inflammation/pain?
Hi Mary!
Sory youre suffering with these pains.
My dad has rheumatoid arthritis and so suffers with a lot of really bad joint pain - he takes co-codamol and co-coproxamol and says they work for him, but I don't know is they have the same name or are even available in the US, LOL - so I may not have been very helpful at all, but thought I'd let you know in case...

Hope you find something to ease the pain soon!

Love Emma
Sorry you are still hurting...I HATE pain.....How about ALLEVE ( a no-no for us coumadin takers)...Be sure and call your doctor tomorrow..NO ONE should have to suffer..Maybe Betty can chime in..she had hurt shoulder..Bonnie
How about asking your doctor for a prescription of

How about asking your doctor for a prescription of

Darvocet for the pain? I take that to help with my neuropathy pain and I also take Daypro for my arthritis, but again, a prescription..I certainly hope you get to feeling much better soon Mary, Your in my thoughts and prayers Harrybaby :D :D :D
I take aleve, and at night ex pm..sometimes none work, then I have darvocettes as a standby. Maybe a hot bath before bed?Oh and can we have chamomille tea? I was wondering. Love the pup
I have pain quite a bit - daughter says at night, my remedy at night is verbal and loud. She says I say "OW --- S**T!) and then turn over and go to sleep.

I have just returned from Orlando where I did lots more stuff than I do at home and have some severe pain in my hips/legs from the arthritis. Son just gave me a sample from his doctor. It is Mobic. Anyone heard of it? I will look up on internet before I take it. If I take it and it works, I will let you know, Mary but I bet it's an nsaid like all the rest and maybe not for coumadin folks.

here's the info - I will use one and then not take another one, just so I can relieve the current pain. I do that with Celebrex. :

Who should not take Mobic?

You should not take Mobic if you have experienced asthma, hives, or allergic-type reactions after taking aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). A few examples of other NSAIDs are ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, nabumetone, and ketoprofen.

Special Warning(s) with Mobic:

Serious problems from stomach ulcers such as bleeding are recognized complications in people treated with NSAIDs. Similar problems have occurred in people treated with Mobic. The likelihood of stomach problems increases the longer you take drugs like Mobic. However, even short-term treatment is not without risk. These problems can happen without any warning, but in some people may cause symptoms such as gnawing or burning stomach pain, black or tarry stools, or vomiting. If this happens, stop taking Mobic and call your health care provider right away.

Check with your health care provider. Mobic may not be right for you, if you:

have had ulcers or stomach bleeding
have had asthma, hives or allergic-type reactions after taking aspirin or other NSAIDs
have severe kidney problems
have severe liver problems
are pregnant
Mary, I have also had terrible shoulder pain since my AVR 5 weeks ago. I take Darcocet, I try to just take one at night and make sure I take it with food.I know how bad the pain can be, I had one night that it felt like a hammer was hitting my shoulder all night, never had such pain. The Darvocet does help... Good Luck, I hope it gets better.. Rose
325 mg of enteric-coated aspirin is one tablet (roughly 5 grains, the original tablet dose). Normal aspirin dose for pain relief is two tablets (what we routinely took twenty years ago, without batting an eye).

All NSAIDS, including aspirin, carry the warning of possible stomach bleeding. Be sure that your brand is Enteric Coated, not just "coated" to allow easier swallowing.

I've found Extra Strength Excedrin often works better than aspirin or acetaminophen alone, but it doesn't seem to be "enteric" coated, and you don't want all that caffeine when you're trying to sleep anyway. A suggestion, which you might run against your doctor or pharmacist, is taking:

6 (six) enteric coated, 81 mg aspirin tablets (486 mg total) and
1 (one) extra-strength Tylenol tablet or equivalent (500MG)

This would be the equivalent of two Extra-strength Exedrin tablets, minus the caffeine. During the day, you could take them with a cup of coffee.

A note for others: pain relievers should not be taken with alcohol, and the use of acetaminophen in conjunction with alcohol can lead to liver damage, so be sure to read the alcohol warnings to see if they apply to your situation. Do Not Exceed the above Dosage: these are the amounts approved for Extra Strength Excedrin, and overdosing can cause liver damage or other problems. Do not take more often than you would take Extra Strength Excedrin. READ THE LABELS.

Best wishes,
I am on Coumadin and my doctor says tylonal(SP??) PM is fine and it helps me sleep if I am not feeling so well and when I wake up I don't feel like I need more sleep because it does have a sleep aid in the PM. Hope you find something that helps.
Thanks for the replies. Ann, let me know how the Mobic works. I'm not on coumadin, so that wouldn't be an issue. Bob, I think I will give the 6 81 EC aspirin and one X-strength tylenol a try.
I've learned to take my daily aspirin tablet about an hour before I go to therapy, so I have pain protection for what the therapist is putting my shoulder through. The problem is that it's long worn off before bedtime. :(
Mary, the Modic is really good. It has helped; I have been in some REAL pain with stiffness - all the time getting worse. The last two days I climbed stairs, walked quite a bit, didn't rest at all and got myself into trouble. By the time we got back around noon, it had become severe and I was having real trouble getting about. It's no longer severe; is bearable now. Still painful, but much better. I think Celebrex would do the same - they left Celebrex on the market, you know.
I hate to throw a wrench into the works if it's effective. But Mobic was the drug that my PCP suggested we use after my ulcer healed sufficiently that I could start taking something for my costochondritis again. (I had been taking Voltaren since September). However, in my research, I read that Mobic increases the risk for heart problems by 32% compared to Celebrex at 8%. Also, be aware that Mobic is a Cox-I as well as a Cox-II NSAID which means that it isn't as stomach protective as those that are just Cox-II inhibitors. When I met with my PCP a couple of weeks ago to talk more about Celebrex or Mobic, he agreed with the findings -- had just attended a presentation that gave those very numbers. So it's something to take into consideration. Especially with my suspected pulmonary hypertension (NSAIDS are to be avoided with pulmonary hypertension), I'm not taking either... Just Tylenol for arthritis when it's especially bad. (Can't take aspirin stuff because of allergy).

Personally, I wish Vioxx were still on the market. It worked well for me... But, I guess with consideration for PH, I wouldn't be taking that either any more. And it had the same purported heart risks... These are tough issues...

Good luck!
Mary, you might try icing the shoulder by loosely filling 2 disposable plastic grocery bags about 1/4 full and tying them shut. Put those bags in two other bags and tie them too. Do it a third time so you have at least three layers of plastic on each ice bag. Put both of these bags in a pillow case and ice that shoulder. I've been on Celebrex and it helps. I also use tramadol when the celebrex doesn't control it. I also was on prednisone tablets but am off them now.

It doesn't sound like the injection helped you much. When my pain was at its worst the thing that helped the most was ice. I know it isn't exactly recommended but there were some nights I had it on and off all night long. I would put my pillow case back in the freezer and would have the whole thing ready again in a couple of hours. I sure hope you start feeling better. Pain is the pits!
Pain Meds

Pain Meds

This thread got me wondering about migranes! Husband tried Imitrex once and wound up with terrible chest pain (years ago before we knew he had more than a murmur) and has usually had relief with Ibuprofen where as acetominaphen had no relief. With coumadin use, I would think any of the Ibuprofens are "no-nos". Any of you out there have experience with migranes?
Mary: I remember you said you were scheduled for PT. They should really be able to help you with the pain. Hopefully there is a good one near you. They will do some mobilizing of your shoulder and shoulder blade,some soft tissue work and maybe ultrasound or a modality called iontophoresis. Iontophoresis rquires you to get a prescription for a liquid medication containing an anti
inflammatory which is then driven by electric current into the painful tendon. Once you have calmed down alittle from the pain you will do strengthening exercises.
I also have shoulder pain from my surgery 7 months ago and even as a PT myself, I've been slow to get it treated by my coworkers. Use ice on the hurting area. It's very effective. Either use an ice pack for about 10 minutes (with a cloth between your skin and the pack to protect against frost bite) or fill a dixie cup with water, freeze it and then rip the cup 1/4 of the way down to expose the ice. Do an ice massage to the painful area for about 3 minutes. Wait until the skin temperature has fully returned to normal before doing it again. Do not extend the time the ice is applied by too much or you'll end up with frost bite.
Good luck
Betty's ice reminds me that we were just talking about Frozen Peas last night..Seems like my son's doctor and my Grandson doctor both recommended frozen peas..to be placed on their surgery..Son's for no more babies.. :D Russian Grandson's last week for circumsion (sp) My daughter's Sister-in-law that works at hospital..said, yes.. something about the peas that move..just refreeze them..Don't eat. :D ... Mary, get something tomorrow...Yaps, I thought Alleve was a no-no..Have to admit..took 1 at daughters yesterday..Grandkids were hanging off me all day.. had been the gopher picking up ballons, cake, ect. for Grandson's 4th party at 5 P.M. I think I took it around 3 for aching back..come to think of it..I don't remember it hurting.. until around 8 P.M. on the drive home, sitting..Gone today..We need to ask Al what he thinks about taking Alleve on Coumadin..Not everyday..Just when needed..Bonnie


You are feeling ..up to your old self..So, give us a report of your reunion...Would make Mary feel really good..if there is really juicy stuff. :D she may even forget her pain..Right, Mary?..what is the old saying..the best medicine for pain is laughter...We want to hear all..How was the Judge, ect..Bonnie(P.S...Not too much or Ross will ban us all. :p )..but we can still e-mail the really juicy stuff.
Granbonny said:
Betty's ice reminds me that we were just talking about Frozen Peas last night..Seems like my son's doctor and my Grandson doctor both recommended frozen peas..to be placed on their surgery..Son's for no more babies.. :D Russian Grandson's last week for circumsion (sp) My daughter's Sister-in-law that works at hospital..said, yes.. something about the peas that move..just refreeze them..Don't eat. :D ... Mary, get something tomorrow...Yaps, I thought Alleve was a no-no..Have to admit..took 1 at daughters yesterday..Grandkids were hanging off me all day.. had been the gopher picking up ballons, cake, ect. for Grandson's 4th party at 5 P.M. I think I took it around 3 for aching back..come to think of it..I don't remember it hurting.. until around 8 P.M. on the drive home, sitting..Gone today..We need to ask Al what he thinks about taking Alleve on Coumadin..Not everyday..Just when needed..Bonnie
I dont know, perhaps my doc is negligent :eek: ,but I have been taking aleve/expm for years, no one ever said no..just watch my inr.. :confused: ..Al???

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