It's been two years since I've had my Mechanical Valve Replacement for Mitral Stenosis which was induced from my Mitral Valve Repair w/ annuloplasty ring which was ultimately too tight causing severe stenosis and pulmonary hypertension. Since my MVR it's been nothing but problems - took 6mos to get in target having to take an obscene amount of Coumadin, 65mg to do so. MVP w/ severe regurgitation prompted the initial repair that failed. I was also plagued with many neurological symptoms which finally led to the following diagnosis - Chiari Malformation (a severe neurological disease where your brain is too big for your skull and as a result there is major brain and brainstem compression and the cerebral tonsils herniate down into the spinal column, causing any and every symptom you can imagine. This was also the cause of my malignant hypertension I suffered from for six years which wrecked havoc on my heart valves. Anyway, Chiari usually has a friend whom follows like tethered cord syndrome and EDS. I've had one brain surgery and a spinal surgery for the tethered cord. Prior to all this I had an ICD which needed to be extracted so I could go on to have an MRI that would lead to the suspected dx of CM. While extracting one of my leads my left subclavian vein burst and nothing could be done to save it as it basically disintegrated. A CT surgeon was called in and I was split open again to save my life. They never expected me to make it and my ep said he's never seen a vascular system like mine. This later led to further genetic testing after the Chiari dx which confirmed Vascular EDS. Okay...so here I am taking now 27mg of Coumadin (as body no longer required the same dosage and my severe hypertension vanished as well post decompression surgery "after all it was all in my head." It's often seen in CM patients...it's called the cushing effect.) Needless to say, I'm concerned about having a mechanical valve and taking Coumadin as multiple surgeries are in my future. I want to replace my mechanical valve with a tissue. Is this unreasonable? I welcome any thoughts. Because of the Chiari multiple brain surgeries and spinal surgeries are in my future and I will have to go off my Coumadin. In fact, my last spinal surgery I ended up with two clots.