What one place do you want to go

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Well-known member
Mar 13, 2005
With my only wish coming true I was wondering if you could go any one place in this world where would it be. I can start with the Grand Canyon.
I can think of several...Italy, Germany, and Nothern Ireland. Our son-in-law is from Derry, Northern Ireland, and we've been invited to go there to visit his relatives. I've heard it's beautiful! Our daughter will be going over for her third trip there this coming summer. And our 22 month old grandson will also be going over to meet his great-grandparents and other relatives for the first time this summer. LINDA
Carnival Inspiration 7 day cruise :)

In 2002, Nathan, myself and our kids (then 5 and 9 yrs old)went on our first cruise on this little (by today's standards) ship on a 7 day Carib cruise out of New Orleans. This is an older ship, with retro-neon 1980s style. We had a tiny little cabin on the bottom level. We all had the time of our LIFE :) We cruised 3 more times, on bigger "mega" ships, twice taking his folks. If I could go anywhere in the world, I would go back to this ship once more on a quiet 7 day cruise somewhere. Only problem is now this little ship sails out of Florida which would be another 18+ hours from MN driving. I loathe flying. Poor Nathan always ends up driving me everywhere :) Okay, I drive too....but he has NO probs flying, hehehe.

Anywhere else? Paris. Nathan wants to go to Iceland for some reason.

I want to visit the Taj Mahal.

I also want to stay at Giraffe Manor near Nairobi.

Me too!!! That looks absolutely magical--Doolittlean! (The Binder Zoo in Battle Creek, MI has giraffes in a very large savannah-like field along with zebras, gazelles and ostrich with an elevated walkway and an observation deck from which you can feed the giraffes rye crisps. It's not Nairobi, but perhaps the nearest thing stateside.)
That's a really tough question! There are so many places I want to go, but if I only had once choice, it would be to go back to Italy and drive all over the country.
After seeing Robthatsme's pics of Germany, I'd like to see it. I just don't know. There are so many wonderful places to see that I can't pick just one.
Back to Florida again! We LOVED it there! Am still trying to wangle our money so we can afford it again for next summer.

I would love to travel around and meet everyone on VR.:) I am starting with St. Louis this Friday to meet Mary and maybe a few others.:D
Take Care
Grand Canyon, Alaska, Australia, New Zealand, Lasceaux Caves in France, I'd like to have a tour of the Hubble Space Telescope, and see the new Giant Magellan telescope when finished, like to visit Tibet, like to go back to Morocco, like to go back to Cape Cod, maybe even buy a house there. Oh, and I want to go back to the Caribbean Islands and have dinner and listen to the steel drum bands and go shopping.

Hm-m-m-m I think I've run out of time and money!
I would love to see....

I would love to see....

Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Ireland, England, California Coastline, Go back to my home state (Montana) and generally bee bop around and meet VR.com members. Harrybaby:D :D :D :D :D :D
After living in England and traveling around Europe for two years I have LOTS of places I want to go or go back to. I think Italy and the Bavarian and Rhine regions of Germany are places I would like to return. I would also like to go to Spain, Moracco and Australia! My daughter will now say Giraffe manor.
Hey - maybe we can do a VR.com reunion at Giraffe Manor. Yeah - once we all win the lottery.

I would also like a trip on the Space Shuttle.
Dennis - you are REALLY starting to annoy me! I am going to have to come down there and straighten you out!;) :D

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