thanks for thinking about me
thanks for thinking about me
thanks everyone its nicole,your right I havent posted lately except once,things have been rough and slow but we are on the rise.Finally got a diagnosis today on my lungs Pulmonary Fibrosis dont know a whole lot but was put on some new
meds.Duke has messed around with my appointments and drs and its been quite confusing but my cardio. here at home in on the case will know something on friday,He always get s the ball rolling,lights a "little fire" and things seem to work out so I will keep you posted>things have gotten better some, a nurse comes twice a week and it has helped me to stay out of the hospitial and be treated at home.
The girls are doing good thier mother is half crazy but with a little love I hope she will come around.Thanks again for asking it feels good to be remembered.
Ross I seem to have a problem with trying to correct my posts and then losing them,is there something I'm doing are any way to get them
back.It might be my computer or the lack of knowing how to use one properly

,thanks guys appreciate the concers and I will make sure to keep posting every now and then.Please pray that things will work out and my surgery will come up soon,cant wait to feel grrrrreat!
lots of love
nicole and girls