What happened with her?

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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2002
Springfield Mo area
I may have missed it, but haven't seen anything lately from the young woman in N. Carolina I believe who was dreadfully sick. She had a couple of adopted or foster kids and was wondering who would take care of them when she had surgery, etc. That has been several weeks or months ago. Don't remember her name but have thought of her several times.

Anyone else know anything?
tiggerangelgirl is still around. She had a post up that I can't find now, so she must have deleted it. It had the latest on her. You may want to PM or email her. She doesn't get on here until late night. She still isn't doing great and I don't know the full status of what exactly is going on.
She posted just a few days ago:confused: Now...if I could only recall what she said? Last post in missing Ross? Have to take a look see.
Yeah I searched for it and it's gone. She probably took it off due to lack of replies? Just guessing. I guess Duke fumbled the ball and ticked her off so she wasn't going back to them. I don't know what's up now.
thanks for thinking about me

thanks for thinking about me

thanks everyone its nicole,your right I havent posted lately except once,things have been rough and slow but we are on the rise.Finally got a diagnosis today on my lungs Pulmonary Fibrosis dont know a whole lot but was put on some new meds.Duke has messed around with my appointments and drs and its been quite confusing but my cardio. here at home in on the case will know something on friday,He always get s the ball rolling,lights a "little fire" and things seem to work out so I will keep you posted>things have gotten better some, a nurse comes twice a week and it has helped me to stay out of the hospitial and be treated at home.
The girls are doing good thier mother is half crazy but with a little love I hope she will come around.Thanks again for asking it feels good to be remembered.
Ross I seem to have a problem with trying to correct my posts and then losing them,is there something I'm doing are any way to get them back.It might be my computer or the lack of knowing how to use one properly:rolleyes: ,thanks guys appreciate the concers and I will make sure to keep posting every now and then.Please pray that things will work out and my surgery will come up soon,cant wait to feel grrrrreat!
lots of love
nicole and girls
Nicole - were you ever on amiodarone? Just wondering.

Hope things start a turnaround for you soon. Sounds like a boggle you must live in. I am so sorry about it. Hang in there. God bless
My dad has pulmonary fibrosis & heart problems (electrical, not mechanical), so I think I know how you feel at times.
Take care of yourself and watch overdoing things. Medication has really helped him.
to your question yes I was on amioderone for almost sick months it caused so many problems for me it made me very sick and finally they took me off,this was before my pacemaker was put in.
Before I started that medicine i was sent to the hospitial in icu to have it started and the heart dr on call refused to treat me with it ,he no way was he going to treat a 25 yr old with such a medicine with that many side effects he said maybe if I was 80 he might have done it,but no way was he causing me more problems.At the time I thought he was arrogant for not following orders that my card. had wrote.
I thought about him yesterday and thought thats one doc I need to thank for not following orders even though I was eventually put on it it did stall things for awhile. That drug has some really bad side effects try reading up on it you will never believe it . I think my dr had went down every avenue before he tried that.You can learn so much on this forum from other peoples expierence its odd when you think your all alone someone out there has been or is going through the same stuff you are thats why I love this forum so much,even though i dont reply alot I always read all the new post evertime I get a chance to get online
Your allowed to reply, we don't bite. Well maybe some of us do. :D

I'm trying to keep tabs on everyone and it's hard to do. Whats the story with you and Duke now? Did the problem get resolved or is it still in the process?
thanks for asking, I went up to duke last week and got up there four hrs away to find out they cancelled my appointment,boy! was I ticked we were suppose to be talking about whatsurgeon I was going to see and when the surgery was going to take place. Well the dr got called away and wont be back till after christmas.I got a hold of my reg. cardiologist and they called me back today,there sending me to a specialist in virginia that is a thoarasic{?}cardiologist for a second opinion since mt case is a "little" complicated got on nov. 26th. My heart murmer has gotten worse and I pretty much keep a fever around 101 daily,I have a nurse come in and gives me iv antibiotics weekly along with the medicine they adminster for my immune system,methtrexate and those awful shots,I forget the name of them,so please keep me in prayer and pray that surgery will take place before any more damage can happen.Promise will keep you posted
Thanks, Nicole - I asked about the amiodarone because you mentioned your lungs. I know someone else who has permanent damage in her lungs - she is disabled She posts regularly on another site. My brother also is now disabled, tho I don't know if the entire cause is amiodarone. He has Parkinson's and in reading about amiodarone, it can cause Parkinson-like symptoms. His dr said he does not have classical Parkinson's so I just don't know. When I hear of someone on amiodarone, it scares me because I have seen what it can do. They put my bro on it to prepare for cardioversion, he fell through the cracks, they didn't do it but left him on amiodarone for 14 months. Another doctor/hospital discovered this but it was too late then because the damage was done; however they did the cardioversion and it 'took'. Takes forever to get amiodarone out of your system - the half-life is very long.

Amiodarone should be a drug of last resort, however drs seem to prescribe it like candy and that's why the patient needs to keep track of his/her own siatuations. The internet is such a great help - we can find any/everything.

Hope you have a better day/week/month. God bless Ann
I too know someone who developed pulmonary fibrosis from amiodarone. She's also permanently disabled. She also developed vision problems.

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