thanks for asking, I went up to duke last week and got up there four hrs away to find out they cancelled my appointment,boy! was I ticked we were suppose to be talking about whatsurgeon I was going to see and when the surgery was going to take place. Well the dr got called away and wont be back till after christmas.I got a hold of my reg. cardiologist and they called me back today,there sending me to a specialist in virginia that is a thoarasic{?}cardiologist for a second opinion since mt case is a "little" complicated got on nov. 26th. My heart murmer has gotten worse and I pretty much keep a fever around 101 daily,I have a nurse come in and gives me iv antibiotics weekly along with the medicine they adminster for my immune system,methtrexate and those awful shots,I forget the name of them,so please keep me in prayer and pray that surgery will take place before any more damage can happen.Promise will keep you posted