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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Dec 18, 2005
I am just frazzled!!!!! Yesterday I called the dogs in from outside and Mike, my French Bulldog, came walking in really slowly. But he seemed fine. I left them in the house and went to the fitness center. When I got back he was walking really wobbly. It looked like his front legs could not hold him. It was too late to call my vet. I thought of calling the emergency clinic but they are so expensive plus I just had a feeling that it was something serious and I did not want to see any vet but mine. He did not seem to be in pain, he drank water , was breathing okay,...so I decided to wait until today.

Today I took him to see my regular vet. He was still walking the same way. She suspected back injury of some kind. She said that a mielogram (sp?) would cost $1200.00 and I had to go another clinic. She said back surgery would start at $2500.00. She decided to do some X-rays to see what they would show. She showed me the X-rays. The vertebraes in the top of his spine in the shoulder area are very different from the other ones.. They are smaller and shaped differently. She showed me pictures in a book and she thinks he was born with this defect. She gave him a shot and some steroid pills for the next few days. She says if it is an injury, like jumping off the recliner the wrong way, or the Springer jumping on him, he should get better in a few days. But if it is the bone malformation starting to press on some nerves... it could get worse.

He is a very over sized Frenchie. Even if I had that kind of money.. she said back surgery would be very hard on him, recovery would be long and difficult. And after seeing the X-rays she is questioning whether surgery could really help.

That was John's dog. We got him about 7 years ago around the time his son died. Michael was his son's middle name. If John were still here, I don't think he would want to put Mike through the agony of back surgery. The vet knew John pretty well. She agreed with me. I talked to my stepdaughter and she said," Thank God this did not happen while daddy was still here... especially while he was sick". I thought of that too.

So this is what is going on...Here's a picture if I can do this.
Praline..........I am so very sorry you are going through this. Our pets are so special and it hard to see them suffer. I hope he will recovery and that you will not have to make the surgery choice.

Best of luck with this.

they are so fragile, these pets of ours. They look at you with those 'help me eyes' and you are completely helpless. I am so sorry and hope that there is an easier answer for you. Blessins........
I am sorry you are having to go through this. Do you have a veterinary college nearby? Our neighbor's dachshund had back surgery at the Texas A & M veterinary school about 7-8 years ago. The vets in our area recommend the school for many major surgeries. It wasn't a complete success, as he has some paralysis in his tail (won't wag) and bladder (can't control). He is alive though and seems to be happy.
So sorry. I ran into something similiar with a cat that I raised from a newborn and had for 14 years. Surgery would have been thousands that I didn't have, then there were no guarantees that he'd make it or be better. Left me with only one choice and I hate myself to this day, I feel as though I let my best buddy down, but I know it's all that could be done.

I am soo sorry. I had to put my 15 year cat KC down last fall and it broke my heart! I can really sympathize with you. It so expensive for operations for our animals anyway, especially not knowing if it will be a success or not. Hopefully the steriods work and he did just sprain something or twisted the wrong way, and he'll be okay in a few days. Praying for a good outcome! God Bless!
Maybe good news???? Maybe...Mike just followed me outside and walked straight across my backyard. He would not have been able to do that this morning or last night. So just maybe...

Ross... Don't feel guilty. There was not a lot you could do, especially with a cat that age. I have thought about it and I will not have surgery for Mike. Not only don't I have that kind of money but the vet seems to think it has to be a birth defect... I could not want to put him through that kind of pain ...

She said because of the way he is built, recovery would be very difficult.
Mike is about 6 inches longer than a Frenchie should be. He is also taller. He is about 12 pounds over what a show quality Frenchie should weigh. He is really more oversized than overweight.

Maybe he will be fine for now.Even my wild child Springer knows there is something wrong and keeps his distance.

But I am going to look for dog health insurance for the Springer. Any ideas anyone?
Cortisone shots perform miracles and can last awhile. The important thing is to keep him out of pain and those should do the trick for awhile. Based on what you have said about the xrays, it does sound like something he was born with.

I will pray that he stays free of pain and you can enjoy his company for some time yet.
Oh, poor doggie.....but at least it sounds like the meds may be working.
My wild Airedale was on Meticam several times for sprains. It worked fine.
I used to babysit a dachshund, until her back went out, they operated ($$$)and followed up with physio in the swimming pool, dog was fine for a couple of years.
Then my 14 yr old cat had surgery for a tumour, and she passed away 2 mths later. I was sorry that we did that surgery....she suffered.
We just never know what happens.
All we can do is what we feel is best for the pet.

I'm so sorry about Mike. You certainly have not had an easy time of it recently. Sometimes life is just plain unfair. I'm glad you saw a little improvement today and will cross my fingers for continued good news. You take care of yourself!

All the best,


Dear Praline, I can imagine how you feel. We had, and have many dogs in my family, and I love them all. My mother's dog really has helped keep her alive. He's getting old, and has some milder but similar problems. They can be such a blessing, and it's so hard to see them suffer. Sometimes a little medicine goes a long way. I hope this is the case with Frenchy. Your valve bro, Brian

Years ago we had a cat that had a spinal problem. X-rays showed some damage to the vertebrae. He was probably kicked as a kitten before we took him in off the streets. We discovered the situation when he tried to bite due to the pain. A couple of shots & pills later, he was much better. However, he had to prop himself against a wall to rest, never could sit with his feet tucked under, like cats normally do.

Your dog may have just pinched a nerve, which would affect its mobility. Hopefully, the shot and pills will give him some relief. Are you also keeping him somewhat confined so he can rest?

A friend insures all her cats through VPI, and she's been pleased. There are several other insurance companies. Cat Fanciers' Association offers an insurance plan through Pet Partners, Inc. -- www.petpartnersinc.com.

Mike may be an "oversized" French Bulldog, but he doesn't look fat or out of condition.

There's LSU vet school in Baton Rouge. I have a friend who is a vet in Alexandria who is great, if you'd like a 2nd opinion. You can PM me for information about him if you're interested in pursuing that.

Keep us posted. Seeing a beloved pet suffer makes us suffer too!

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