What countries are folks from?

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Ross said:
Thank you. Now I don't have to sit and wonder if your an alien from another planet gathering information for the mother ship. :D

Easy, O Great One, you will let on that we are on to them :mad: . May the force be with you and if not :eek: ,

May God Bless


PS: Thanks for putting the Location back in :) .
Barry said:
Yeah, right. That's what they always say. I know for a fact that the paranoids are out to get me. What agency are you with?
Hey Barry,
I am with IDM :D
I just enjoy seeing where everyone is from.
Hope you are planning on attending the Reunion in Las Vegas this year, look forward to meeting you if you do attend. Hank will be posting info on it soon.
Take Care


Hi there Barry, I'm the Brazilian mentioned above. I have been a VR member for over a year now and although I'm a foreigner, I've always felt very welcome here. I recall starting a thread a good while back called: WHAT'S YOUR NATIONALITY, if I'm not mistaken because I too got curious about it. take care and keep in touch!
Débora :)


Hi Janie, the answer is YES. I didn't remember you had been here. When was that? And where did you stay? I live in Curitiba which's the capital city of Paraná located in the south of the country. Did you lean any Portuguese at all? If you speak Spanish, most of us can understand good part of it. Did you take lots of pics here? Why don't you post a couple? Tell me about your trip!Take care!
Débora :)
Hola Deborah...

Hola Deborah...

It was some years ago, but I've got pictures somewhere. I'll see if I can find some for you. I think it was the Sheraton at the end of Copacabana Beach in Rio and Tropicana Hotel in Manaus. That town is a riot! Duty free for Brasilians in those days (don't know about now) and I saw so many microwaves and TV's being checked as luggage -- reminds one of the Miami Airport.

Didn't make it as far south as Curitiba..sorry.

Cruised down the Amazon, saw the "meeting of the waters." Where the "black," tannic acid waters of the Rio ***** join the "chocolate," Amazon River.

Lordy Mercy, those snakes are BIG!!! Little boys had them in baskets and they'd yank one of them out and stick it in your face for a picture. Course all they wanted were a few coins from the tourists. I got over my fear of snakes real fast... :D


My step father was from Manaus. On the eve of my first surgery he promised to take me to Manaus once I was back on my feet. We only ended up going in 1981, one year after my second operation, but it was an unforgetable trip. I was only 16 at the time and we stayed at my uncle's house. I was spoiled rotten by everyone there during a whole month! As for Rio, I was only there once in 1983 to see my brother who was in the navy. If you ever come back, I'll finally be able to meet a VR member in person!! LOL!! The only thing though is that if you ever come to Curitiba, make sure to bring clothes for the four seasons of the year! Hope you find the pictures!
I am from the anarchy of Fermilab -- most countries in the world have multiple representatives here and in the Fermilab village you hardly ever find "Americans". I myself was brought here from Pakistan via college in the states of Ohio, California, Georgia and the republic of Harlem, New York
24yroldBionicRedneck said:
:eek: I am from Texas. That counts as a different country dont it. :D

Oh, does it ever! I spent a couple of days several years ago in Dallas/Ft. Worth fruitlessly seeking an American Embassy for sanctuary. I still don't understand how, if we won the Mexican War, we're the ones who got stuck with Texas.

(Actually, true stuff: Gotta admit that I'm none-too-fond of Texas, although Austin is delightful and I like just about anywhere that there aren't very many people and there's lots of public land so you can actually walk around in it.)