What 'constitudes' a 'whole' person.....

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.....,the average person?

Today I realized (or something of the sort) that 'I' have :

1) A spirit (a means to connect my soul to 'a' God, to my mind and/or to my body, in any proportion or combination that I posses the ability or desire to empower at any particular moment to any degree I feel necessary for the particular moment at hand)

2) A mind and

3) A body

...and that there is a 'parameter' for a person to be 'considered' soundly whole.

I've always considered (known) that I possessed a mind and a body (but then who hasn?t?) but never have I 'felt' the aspect of a ?spirit? that I am feeling today.

Today was my best and my worst since I had my aortic valve replaced with a mechanical one 10 days ago. At my best physically, at my worst mentally/emotionally due to a ?friendly? discussion I had with a friend.

I am postulating that without a ?healthy? spirit one cannot help ?heal? the mind or body and cannot function to ones fullest potential.

I talked to a friend that had quadruple bypass surgery about nine weeks ago and as I was approaching him exclaims, hey you look better then me!

From afar before I got near him I noticed his ?walk? and yes I had to agree with him (silently with a smile).

He confided that, had he had a gun the first week or two after his release date that he would have committed suicide to stop the unbearable pain, that never in his life had he experienced such great pains.

I also called another individual that was my roommate (he had triple bypass surgery about five days ahead of me) and was informed that he was in ?bad? shape. The way he described his condition I felt that I am recuperating faster then he is.

These two individuals got me thinking, what?s going on here. I?m pondering as to what makes a person 'tick. What makes them 'break' and when in shreds, what puts them back together (the process) and in better shape then formerly.

If I continue having days (my first one since the operation) like the one I had today I figure I?ll recuperate about 300% to 400% faster then ?average.?

But what can account for such a ?feat??

I came to the conclusion that I am in possession (at least since the commencement of my operation and hopefully I don?t lose it) of a higher ?degree? of spirit then both of them.

I 'feel' a spirit that I've NEVER felt before. Did I 'acquire' it 'after' the operation or has it always been 'there' without me knowing ?how to turn it on or make use of it??

This experience is so new to me (about two hours old) that I won?t know what I?m really talking about or feeling ?til I sleep-on-it tonight.

Can anyone find any sense, understand (I don?t fully understand what?s going on with me at this point) or share a similar experience?

God Bless

NOTE: I re-edited this post as you can see by the notice below and will continue to do so as new information is aquired or my 'fogginess' clears up and I can see clearer.
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big hugs

big hugs

I think this is one of the biggest reasons we feel such a connection with each other here at vr.com. This very experience you are talking about. It?s something no one can understand unless they?ve been there.

It almost makes tears come to my eyes reading your post, because I sooooo understand what you are saying.

I'm so happy to have my vr.com family who can relate to these feelings and all the others that go along with these crazy heart problems. Coumadin and INR results are another thing that really threw me for a loop. I'd never taken meds before in my life and then to all of a sudden have to be so dependant on 'rat killer' of all things!! ...... overwhelming at times. Thank goodness we have each other.

Oh that magic feeling!

Yep, know it well.. completely understand.. uh huh! Attitude, attidude, attitude!

We are the fighters... we refuse to let heart disease or anything else get the best of us! If we get knocked down we bounce back with more resolve!

Glad you are a member of the club!

Take care,
Oh that magic feeling!

Yep, know it well.. completely understand.. uh huh! Attitude, attidude, attitude!

We are the fighters... we refuse to let heart disease or anything else get the best of us! If we get knocked down we bounce back with more resolve!

Glad you are a member of the club!

Take care,
Mitral valve repair 10/3/00
Timothy Icenogle, M.D.
Sacred Heart Medical Center
Spokane, WA

etc., etc., etc.
La - you listen to our Zazzer as she knows whereof she speaks. You wouldn't believe her medical history, she's been through so much. Her spirit has been such an inspiration to all of us over the years of VR. Think she's one of the original members - or pretty close to it. Bless you, Zazz.
Thanks Ann... sorry for the double posts. YIKES! Must have hit the button a time too many.. lol

Merry, merry



Namu Myohoregekyo !!!
(nom-moo me yo ho ren gay kye yo)
Hi Marco

Hi Marco

I'm so glad that you feel a spirit that you've never felt before...but please remember...You will have good days and you will have bad days....And this may go on for weeks..so keep your Spirit up:D Are you out of the hospital? If so, are you walking a lot..Remember to do so..gets those nasty spirits out of your body:p :p Bonnie