My provider is FIOS, but the amenities of Yahoo, including masssive storage, keep me going through them for email and home site. I don't want to work at the background stuff. I just want it to always be there and not interfere. Yahoo has done a good job of that for the last six years.
I pay a small, annual fee for upgraded Yahoo service. That handles my email, excellent spam control, and other communications, without having to deal with contant ISP ads and "upgrade" click-throughs. I also have a Gmail account, but I've found Yahoo to be the least intrusive and most intuitive. I used to have AOL. I hated them. Their foolish onboard apps used up a lot of CPU and bandwidth. And they wouldn't let me quit. It took me five months and a letter to my bank to get them to stop charging me. They simply wouldn't halt my service, no matter what I did or said, until I got my bank involved and hollered, "Stop, Thief!"
One bit of critical advice: NEVER accept ANY site's toolbar. They sometimes add it in as an option they think you won't notice when you are picking up something you actually need, like a software update. If you accept it, it sits on top of your view of the electronic world along with everything that actually has to be there, taking another 10%-20% of your screen for access to garbage you'll never use, and it uses up your internet bandwidth to report on everything you do and everywhere you go to advertisers and internet marketing companies. Just don't do it. There is nothing less "free" than a "free" toolbar.
Best wishes,