Barry said:
...I got rid of my motorcycle after I went on Coumadin, thinking that road-rash was probably now a potentially terminal condition...
As a photographer who's seen at least half a dozen motorcycle accidents (and written up police press releases on a dozen more for publication) I'd say if you're in an accident with a motorcycle and you've got a bad case of roadrash, that's terminal REGARDLESS of how "thin" your blood is...
That being said, I've always wanted a Harley 'cause I'm a nut!
Actually, the point of responding is that I've always felt that limiting activities (such as motorcycle riding) because of the possible dangers they might cause is rediculous. I could have just as serious a problem with anticoagulation therapy slicing celery for a pot roast as I could "sliding into second" after tipping my Harley over.
Granted, the Harley thing also involves all sorts of other injury possiblities such as fractures, head trauma, and the like...
I've said it before, don't let being on anticoagulants govern how you live your life.
Yeah, we have to get bloodwork done on a regular (usually monthly for most) basis to be sure everyhting's on the up and up and MAYBE there qare certain foods or medications that you need to avoid because of it, but lifestyle changes shouldn't be neccesary unless they involve improving one's lifestyle, not turning your back on the things you enjoy most....
Of course, if you're a boxer, maybe it's time to step out of the ring and become a trainer or manager or something. there's ALWAYS exceptions to the rules...