Worried in advance about pumphead, I found that some areas of memory were accessible almost immediately after surgery. I was able to recite two 8-digit library account numbers in the ICU. But I found simple reasoning and short-term recall totally confounding. I did not sleep well in the hospital and while awake the second night after surgery I spent hours trying to figure what the date would be one week later, e.g. today is Tuesday, Feb. 22, so tomorrow will be Wed., Feb. 23; then it got really fuzzy and I never even got close to the day and date one week hence. It was very upsetting. I just kept going back to the beginning, thinking I could come up with one more day/date but it was impossible. Since I was not sleeping well and could not use the bed I spent ~23 hrs/day in the cardio chair and was very confused trying to tell night from day. I seem to be better now but fatigue easily. I was on the pump for 45 minutes. Pat