went to see my cardiologist today...

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Hey guys, I went in to see my cardiologist today, and got back the report on my echo! Ok, I know what the regurge is, but i need help with the rest of the echo lingo so I will just type you what it says...

"left left ventricle and right atrium are normal in size and function."

"The aortic valve is trileaflet with normal mobility and trace insufficiency. The stents of the mitral valve are angled towrd the left ventricular outflow tract. No obstructive flow is seen. The aortic root is normal."

"The left atrium is slightly enlarged. THe prosthetic tissue valve is well seated with normal leaflet motion. THe maximum velocity across the valve is 1.7m/s with a mean gradient of 4mm/hg, and a valve area of P1/2T of 1.8 cm sq. Trace to mild mitral regurgitation is present."

"The tricuspid valve leaflet anatomy and motion are normal. Mild tricuspid regurgitation is present."

"the pulmonic valve leaflet anatomy and motion are normal. Trace to mild pulmonic regurgitation is present."

"No pericardial effusion is present. The inferior vena cava is normal in size with normal inspiratory callapse. The estimated pulmonary artery systolic pressure is in the range of 21-26mmHg."

Mitral valve replacement with good function. THere is also trace aortic insufficiency. THe study is otherwise within normal limits.

Since prior study there has been a minimal increase in the mitral gradient."

I don't understand it all, I know it's good, and the cardio said that the cramping in my chest is muscular, due to the picking up of the house, and I have been overdoing it a little, but It's all good. I will keep you all updated!
Sounds good, Joy. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we had an echocardiographic technician on our website, like we have our coumadin expert and QAS?
I suspect much of the information gathered in an echo could be summarized as "normal."
In lay terms, the way I understand what that reads, your pretty much normal. Minute problems mentioned, but really unremarkable. My suggestion-Re-evaluate in 1 year or so.

Relax and have a good life! :D
That's what my cardiologist said. What does "trace aortic insufficiency" mean? How fast does a valve deteriorate. I have many questions. I guess I should have asked the doc, but I didn't get to read the echo results until I got home.
Hi Joy....Long time, no talk!! From what I read, all is going well with you. Tyce has the cardio the end of this month, same day as our flu shots!!! Hope all is well with you and the kids. When is your husband due home, soon, yes? So glad you made it through the 6 weeks.....

Hi Joy-

Sounds as if you got a really good report. Trace stuff, I wouldn't worry about, probably everyone has trace problems here or there. Sounds as if your mitral is doing well and you are normal everywhere else. Try to relax and enjoy your nice report. Good going!
Joy the trace insufficiency and valve deterioration could stay like that forever. It may not get worse, but they will check on it from time to time. Outside of that, celebrate woman! ;)
Yes, I am celebrating! I know my echo is good! I read on and found out my aortic valve has been trace insufficient for months now, at least 6, so I am not too worried. what is the normal gradient for a mitral valve? Mine was up to 16mmHg before I had it replaced. Now it's at 4mmHg. Good job Dr. Verrier, and Dr. Stewart, and to Dr. Easterling, who saved my baby's life, THANK YOU ALL! They are all my angels. Well, I am off to enjoy my second chance at life!