Well - We're off to Vegas!!

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VR.com Founder, Now just a Member
Jun 5, 2001
Mesa, Arizona in the good ole USA
I will be offline for a few days because I have a date in Vegas with some fellow heart folks.

There will be stories - pictures and more when we get back.

Wish you could all be there - really I do.

More than you know.
Lost Wages

Lost Wages

Sure wish I could be there to meet everyone! Can't wait to see Pix and hear about the fun (and lost wages..lol)..Get lots of 'close-ups'..Since my recent Passport pix...yikes...I want to see the 'real' youse! LOL! Have FUN and stay safe.

Zipper *~*
have a great time in vegas all of you who are going!
we will all be thinking of you and the fun you will be having together.
so sorry joey and i can't be there to meet you all.
have a safe and wonderful trip and we look forward to all the stories and
pictures you will have to share with us upon your return.
be well, sylvia
Las Vegas.. "HERE WE COME".

Las Vegas.. "HERE WE COME".

Hi to all VR. Com friends,

It is Wednesday afternoon but work is done, and we're off to Vegas early in the morning. Wish more of you would be able to come. We would have a blast! I think that about 20 or so will be there total. Still a great turnout if that many show up.
Some of the people I have already met in Scottsdale, and am looking forward to see them again.
Hope they keep the jacuzzy nice and hot and the Margarita's icey cold. Can't tolerate that much these days but I'll take the Margarita's one at a time.. LOL!!!

See ya when we get back!


Tucson, AZ.

PS... Gina, what happened? I thought you were coming!