Well, that was certainly ''an experience''.....

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I am glad to see that there is some progress. I guess baby steps are better than nothing. My brain seems to be shutting down, but I am thinking about you, Thomas and Sarah. Together you are strong enough to get through this.
Jacqui, I'm glad that you are going ahead with your plans to move close to family. Hang in there!
This just sounds awful and I'm appalled at the way you were just sent off like that!
Living in England too I'm well aware of the medical system but maybe I see it from a different viewpoint- that of a parent cos I have been pushy and it worked for us. We now see only the consultant at appointments whereas before I complained, we only saw registrars or SHO's - NOT good enough.

Really pleased you're back on the aspirin as clots and afib were my thoughts reading through this thread too.

Hope you get some more answers very soon and are made much more comfortable and stress free.

btw - what part of England will you be coming over to??

Love Emma
*Deanne I can well understand how you must be feeling about now with Brians surgery so near. My thoughts and prayers will be with you 'all' right through this tough time. Blessings and )))))HUGS(((((

*Thank you Karlynn.

*Emma, we are moving to Weston-Super-Mare in Somerset...its by the sea which Im looking forward to...I love the sea air....not too far from Portsmouth!!
Emma said:
This just sounds awful and I'm appalled at the way you were just sent off like that!
Living in England too I'm well aware of the medical system but maybe I see it from a different viewpoint- that of a parent cos I have been pushy and it worked for us...

Hi Emma - I learned to be pushy for my son's medical issues, and I didn't much care how I was perceived, and I eventually got my way when I needed to. I felt like a female grizzly with a threatened cub. Whose going to mess with her?!?:p :rolleyes: :p

But it's so different if you have to fight for yourself. Any passion is perceived as hysteria or something. It seems like each patient needs a "bad cop," person to get pushy when necessary, as the patient plays the "good cop."