Well here I am back at Barnes Jewish Hospital

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Those of you that don't believe in God close your ears. When it appeared that I had lung cancer we called everyone we knew that believed in prayer and started a prayer chain. The lung dr. came by a little while ago and said he did not have bad news. He said in fact I have good news. He said if he had not done the biopsy himself and went to the pathologist office he would have ordered another test. It was granulation material and when they took the samples it loosened the mass and cleared the airway. He showed me the X Ray from when I came in and yesterday. The new X Ray is normal. He said he had never seen this before and had no explanation. But we do.

So happy to hear it, John.
I couldn't possibly be happier for you. What an awful ordeal you have been through.
Yes it was a great relief. When the Dr. told me my wife and oldest daughter was here and we hugged and cried tears of joy.
We got back home yesterday. Yes HALLELUJA is about right. I will go back on March 2 and they will do another X ray and perhaps another scope to be safe but things look a lot better than a couple of days ago. Thanks for everyone's support.
About 8 yrs ago my brother, who was 56, was diagnosed with lung cancer. The day they did the biopsy to determine what kind of lung cancer they were dealing with I received a call that the biopsy revealed that it was not cancer. but Sarcoidosis. Sarcoidosis is not good, but it's better than lung cancer. He still has issues, probably related to the fact that he has smoked since he was 15, but he's still working and playing around on his mini-farm.
John, because of time zones our AVR surgeries happened within hours of each other and we received the same type of valve. So I have always looked at you as the guy who is a tiny step ahead of me. So I followed this thread with absolute dread and am so relieved at the eventual outcome. Hope you get better soon and be rid of that cough. Johan