Weird things after surgery! Help!

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So my AVR was a month ago! Since then my right breast is slumped down! Example: someone popped a balloon! That's my right breast right now! And above my right breast is like a knot? Lump? Swelling? Not really sure what to call it. My doctor says it's just healing but I'm just curious if anyone else has had these issues? I have had 2 previous OHS so I'm wondering if maybe it's scar tissue? My other weird thing is the back of my head on the right side is tender as if you had a hair tie, tied too tight and you finally let it down. And lastly, my tailbone actually hurts! I can feel the bones! I'm just concerned that my body will never get back to, or somewhat normal again. Anyone's advice is very much appreciated. And if someone has had these issues how long until it was normal again? My 2 prior surgeries I don't remember. First one i was 3 days old, the second I was 8 years old so i vaguely remember bits and pieces of that one.
Hmmmm. I've had to adjust the bra strap for my right breast till there is no slack in the strap. And while it's been annoying as hell, I couldn't think of why it was an issue. Now that you mention YOUR problem, I'm wondering if mine is also a result of surgery two years ago because I can't remember it being a problem before that. I'm due for an appointment with my GYN so I'll ask her if there is any connection.

I've not had problems with my head or tailbone but keep in mind that your body is splayed during surgery and kept that way for hours. Also, if you've lost weight you may feel your tailbone more than you did before.
How old are you now? my second OHS was when I was 13, so I don't remember any of these symptoms either. I hope you get some relief from these symptoms soon and start feeling normal again. Can I ask what you had done in this surgery and if the doctors were concerned with risks of a third OHS? I am sorry that I do not remember any of these symptoms. maybe it will just take a little more time to heal and feel normal. Your body went through a lot during this surgery. I am currently in congestive heart failure, and I notice have breasts have enlarged along with every other part of my body due to fluid retention. Could it be related to the lack of fluid now?
I'm 63; was 61 for OHS. My aortic valve was replaced with a bovine one. The breast/bra thing is an annoyance, not unbearable, and until I saw your post I attributed it to gravity and aging. Which it may be. I have some fluid retention in my left leg because they took a vein from there for a bypass. I take Lasix as needed.