weird pulse, maybe?

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
I'm about 4 weeks post surgery, and for the most part feeling well. The only weird thing is that when i do the least bit of activity (walking, standing) i can take my pulse and it feels like a weak pulse that i can just barely feel, then a regular pulse right after it. It usually feels like this until i sit down. I didn't think these were extra beats, just because there is no pause in-between them. Is this normal, has anyone else noticed this? I may just be paranoid.
Maybe, i'm not sure. Everytime i've taken my blood pressure it's been good and normal. The pulse stays like this for awhile after i stand and walk around too.
Most likely nothing, but if it concerns you, run it past your Doctor. It may or may not mean anything.
Sometime a-fib feels like that. It's how my bro-in-law describes his pulse.

Check it with the doc. Most arrhythmias are disquieting, but not threatening.
Thanks, maybe i'll ask for a 24 hour holter just to make sure. That's what is weird. Before the surgery i felt every single irregularity. Now when i skip a beat or anything like that, i almost have to take my pulse to notice it. Don't know if that's good or bad.
This is how my a-fib feels when I take my pulse. Might not be what you have but I would talk to your doctor since it seems not quite right.

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