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YO, ROSS, (I KNOW you are reading this thread),

How about putting Cris's links in the REFERENCE Section, maybe even add them to the Must Have Links List (for women)?

'AL Capshaw'
Rita Ann

Rita Ann

Burn your bras.. :D After my surgery at the end of March .I did not wear a bra for 6 weeks..Just dark tees..After all..where are you going?..You will be around the house recouping.. when I ventured outside ..I found the camilsoles with light weigh elastic that held my breasts up.. Just put on a button shirt..to put over when you go out in public..Leave the shirt unbuttoned..If you are planning on going back to work..maybe a light jacket..that you can wear inside....over the camilsole.....Bonnie
I was told after surgery to wear a bra all the time, and I'm only a B cup. they gave me a surgical bra to wear in the hospital, lots of velcro. I would think they would be concerned about the weight of your breasts pulling at the incision. The vest sounds like a great idea. I had to get a new bra while I was in the hospital because I oozed a whole lot out of the site where they removed my central IV line (not my swan line, that did fine).
Cris N said:
I went in search of this topic and found some rather interesting things. A growing number of hospitals are providing 'surgical' bras for women heart patients. Several sources recommended front closure bras - apparently there are some that have a layer of material keeping the closure from making contact with the skin. And then I discovered this: http://www.goldainc.com/

They make a bra and a vest - I found the bra on another site http://adaptations4u.com/moreinfo.php?id=237 for $47.99

that's exactly what they gave me. It was really pretty comfy. I don't remember it bothering my incision at all. I never had a dressing on it at all after I got moved up to the floor.
I appreciate the suggestions from Bonnie and all the women who were able to not wear any bra after surgery but for me it would not be practical. The problem is that I am literally in pain when I'm not wearing a bra (ok, maybe that's too dramatic, but I am physically uncomfortable). The fact that my breasts are pendulous and that each one weighs (approx.) six pounds is too much for my chest wall as it is. Add the surgery to that and I have many fears. I'm grateful that Cris found the site for the surgical bras. They're just the ticket for those of us who are "over-endowed".

I could go on and on about the problems of large breasts from skin irritation to skeletal deformities, breathing problems, permanently grooved shoulders, and pain due to the compression of the vertebrae in the neck and back. But all of this is for a topic on some other board. Please just keep in mind that the grass isn't always greener...
RitaAnn said:
Thank you Ross for the warm welcome and thank you all for your replies. This site has already been such a great help to me. :)

Diesel, I'm scheduled for a mitral valve repair on December 1st at Brigham and Women's in Boston, Massachusetts. My doctor is Lawrence Cohn. My cardiologist in New Hampshire sent me to Boston saying that it was a better place to do a valve repair than NH and that Cohn was one of the best in the area.

Kristi, I asked if a keyhole procedure could be done and he replied that he doesn't do them. He said that having a larger area to work with could guarantee a better repair. He will be doing a use a minimally invasive approach with an incision of about three or four inches.
You will be very happy with Dr. Cohn and Brigham. Please feel free to email us with any questions that arise. Brigham will be sending you a pre-surgery packet that will cover just about everything and you will find that everyone there is most friendly and anxious to make this as easy for you as possible.


It is wonderful what we can come up with as a group supporting each other. (no pun inteneded, really). I wish I had known about the surgical bra after I had my surgery. Sounds like you have one problem solved.
i will be thinking of you.

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