Weekycat (Jean) is home from Hospital

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Just chatted via e-mail. She was home 48 hrs. after having her hysterectomy..says she feels good. Just has to take it easy for a couple of weeks. Bonnie
I'm glad to hear she's home.
Rest for awhile. Like you have a choice Jean.

Hey Bonnie, Why does a cheerleader have a 23mm aorta? All that jumping and flexing? hehe 25mm on this guy.


Oh Goody Let's have a contest to see who has the largest M&M's..What is a MM?:confused: The size of the St. Jude's:D :D valved conduit?? Ross, What did you name the kitty? My feelings will not be hurt..much:p :p Loved John's Hey Jude.. Bonnie
We haven't named it yet, but I'm seriously considering Velcro. She's not going to last long if she keeps climbing the curtains! :mad:

What is a MM? The size of the St. Jude's valved conduit??
Millimeters you silly cheerleader! :p

I believe mine is 28mm.
Been eatin your spinach have ya? :D
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Well, golllleee, Jean- you have had a lot and it's time to settle it on down. Please just take it easy. Don't lift anything - ever again, or at least for a long while. And no housework - Bonnie says it makes us ugly. God bless
Hi Jean, Congrats on another sucessful procedure. Hope all is well. We'll be thinking and praying of you and wish you a speedy and uneventful recovery! Take Care!
Glad to hear you're home and that this is behind you now. When you're better, some of us Minnesota valvies will have to get together! You take good care!

P.S. so whose valve is bigger? My homograft is only 21mm (sized differently than mechanicals) but it is turbocharged! Plus, I am pretty sure that it's not size that's important, but how you use it. Hmmm, I don't KNOW where I heard that before...dang pumpheadedness!
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Thanks Everybody!

Thanks Everybody!

Everyone told me this would be a "piece of cake" after going through open-heart surgery, and it really has been - so far. I have no abdominal incision, (thank God, one 8" scar is enough), so just have a little swelling and soreness in the tummy region.

The hardest thing in the hospital was to re-learn how to get out of bed! After heart surgery, they don't want you to push off with your arms, and with the hyster, they want you to use your arms-not your abdominal muscles! I'm really glad I waited as long as I did between surgeries, ( 4months and 10 days), I don't think I could have handled it any sooner than that, I wouldn't have known which part of my body to hold the pillow against when I coughed!

I was sent home with percoset for pain, and don't really even need it. No real pain to speak of even in the hospital. Just trying to take it easy and rest, and not look at the floors that I can't vacuum AGAIN for 6 weeks! Oh well, this too shall pass!


Congrats and glad you are do well so far. You just let others do for you. When my mother had hers years ago, my brother and I waited on her hand and foot. You will heal very well. Just take it easy. Take care.

Aortic valvereplacement
St. Jude's valve
Hi Jean,

Glad you are home and doing well. Just don't start working too soon!!!!
