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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
So, here it is September. We feel a little cooler air in the mornings..and some trees starting to turn.. Still hot and humid...but nothing like Central Alabama last weekend.:eek: Walked the dog in dark before sunrise. We have had plenty of rain this summer. so looking for pretty fall colors. Noticed the fans in N.Y. Mets against Atlanta today wearing overcoats..raining. Bonnie
Hi Bonnie,

Well here in the Sandhills of North Carolina fall arrives a little later. This is truly a beautiful area and we are blessed with Longleaf Pines. The countryside is rolling, we have beautiful birds, and more golf courses than traffic. Our sky tends to be Carolina baby blue. We also are very hot and humid at this time of the year. In two weeks, we will sound more like you and then it will be perfect. Months ago I think you mentioned your son went to golf camp here one you remember at which course? in Alaska school started yesterday. By the middle of October you can bet your bottom dollar that we'll experience one snowstorm of 12 to 19 inches! Trick-or-treating in costumes? My children don't understand what that is like, to run from house to house in a lightweight costume. We wear snow boots and snowpants here! Fortunately the shopping malls provide candy for the trick-or-treaters, so when it is really bad outside, we take the 10 yr. old to the mall and she gets candy from every store. What a haul!

I miss the fall colors - I am from the midwest and the fall colors were pretty nice there. Up here, everything just turns yellow, then brown. Yuk!
Betty. No..many years ago. Peggy..what town do you live in? and what do you do about snowdays. Like, do you have to make them up? Bonnie
snow days

snow days

I live in Anchorage, the biggest city in Alaska.

The kids get I think 2 snow days a year, so the school district hardly ever closes. But we have had a couple of years where we had to take more than the allowed days, and the kids had to add on days in June to make up for them!

I've driven to work with 15 inches of snow in my driveway. Usually the main roads are well plowed, but I have to "time" my stops at the stoplights, or I'll get stuck! I have my little front wheel drive and it gets me where I need to be.
Its been rainy here in Pennsylvania. I think it is remnants from one of the hurricanes. Seems a bit strange coming from a place that has 320+ days of sunshine a year and showers tend to last minutes rather than hours. . . like "what is all of this stuff falling from the sky??" More than the weather, it is the ever-shortening days that alerts me of the seasons changing. Inch by inch, I feel fall creeping in upon summer's long, warm reign.

Very hot here. Sittin here hopin that tropical storm that's in the Gulf doesn't change its mind and head straight north. As it is now, it may hit my son in Sarasota and Mark U, too. Probably will be mostly rain unless it gets stuck out there and turns into something more dangerous. Weather has definitely not been dull in NW Fl this year. Not been terribly hot either.
This is our first sunny day in over a week. Not that I'm complaining, we needed the rain to cool things down. It gets pretty humid here in the Arkansas river valley. I'm definitely ready for those fall colors to cover the Ozark Hills and lean forward to kiss the Arkansas River.
Hi Lora,

We are a day ahead of you in the sunshine. I was so nice to be able to open the house up yesterday. I only hope that summer is finally gone!!

Where in Arkansas are you? My husband has family in Mountainburg.

Enjoy the sunshine.

I live in Dardanelle, about 4 blocks from the river, though I grew up in Dover. I've been through Mountainburg many times when I lived in Fayetteville for a few years. It's a nice drive through there, especially in the fall on highway 71. I always enjoyed it and now I miss it:( . I hope to go through there again soon.

:) :) :) :)

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