We Have A Date.

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After receiving a letter from the hospital today, my husband rang up and they gave us a date. Curtis will be going in on the 15th of July and having surgery on the 16th. Kind of a glad after all this time to finally get a date but we are still scared s**tless. Thankyou everyone for all the help you have given me over the years Paula x
So glad you got a date. You can at least have that off your mind.
Be sure to keep us up dated and you are in my prayers. Take a deep breath and
things will run smoothy Curtis will do fine.
So glad you got a date. You can at least have that off your mind.
Be sure to keep us up dated and you are in my prayers. Take a deep breath and
things will run smoothly Curtis will do fine.

Cthrock took the words right out of mouth.
Thank goodness.
Hip-Hip-Hooray we have a date!
Now Paula, you take that deep breath and do your best to relax.
How does Curtis feel about having a date?
*Paula, I am soo happy that you finally got a date for Curt. Im sure you are over the moon and terrified all at the same time, but just think how wonderful it will be when it is all over and Curt is fine and you can stop worrying about him every minute of every day.

Dont forget we are all here and praying for a great outcome. Keep in touch. (((HUGS)))
Paula, I'm so glad you have a date. I know it must be a relief ,albeit a scary one. I put Curtis on the calendar, so it's official!
Every mother reading this is pulling for you and your son.

Actually, every member reading this is pulling for you and your son. Best wishes Paula :) .
It will be a tough few weeks of waiting so be good to yourself. Let Curt know that we are all pulling for him.
Paula....Im glad to hear you finally have a date. In reading your posts it seems you have had ALOT of frustrations trying to get answers to questions and getting things scheduled. Now you can give your son your undivided attention. Im sure its excrutiating from a parent perspective but you seem to be a very vigilant person.

I fully expect that both of you are going to come out the other end of this happy and healthy.
Paula, (((hugs)))!

Paula, (((hugs)))!

I told you I'd be watching. I know all too well how you are feeling. Trust me, the time will be here before you know it. (You want it to get here and get it over with, but, on the other hand, you don't ever want it to get here.) Be sure and take a family vacation somewhere in the next couple of weeks - even if it's camping or something economical (I guess you guys go camping in the UK haha! dunno why you wouldn't?) - or find some other way to spend some good quality family time together, whether it is going to the zoo or having a few family movie nights or whatever if you can't swing a vacation. Trust me, you need this. We went to Disney World a couple of months before Katie's last surgical adventure, and I have never regretted that (even though I am still paying for it.............argh!) Then spend the rest of the time packing and staying busy, and that surgery date is going to sneak right up and bite you in the butt.

WEll, my dear. WE will be watching and bumping you guys up to our top ten prayer list. Much love. J.
Thankyou so much everyone.
Freddie, Curtis is fine, it doesn't seem to phase him at all, little star.
Phyllis, Thanks for putting us on the calendar.
Janet, just so happens we bought a caravan and are going camping this weekend, i prefer hotels myself but o well at least we will all be together and the dogs coming too.
I can't express how i'am feeling right now but a guess you all know.
Katie is such a insperation, she as been through so much and i know we will get through this, thanks for being around.
glad you have got the date - best wishes and hope countdown goes quickly
Glad you have a date

Glad you have a date

I am glad you have a date. I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Paula...Curtis and I will be sharing a date for OHS...6-16. What a great day to start getting better. My thoughts are with you both. Bill
Thankyou everyone for the good thoughts.
All the best to you Bill, hope everthing goes well for you too.
We are going down to Birmingham on the 27th of June, to meet the surgeon and maybe get some answers, as i found something else on a letter. I have read a little about it and it says it is a rare congical defect ? this is the first we have heared about it.