Water Pick - O.K. to use.

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Greetings All, I just went to the dentist, a place I hate to go as much as the doctor. Been 2 Years and need lots of work, guess my gums are in grim shape, they recomended a "Water Pick" to aid in the process of flossing. I hate flossing, but I like my teeth. I have an electric toothbrush, but any way. I remember something about water picks not being good for people with heart valves, something about the bacteria on the gums being blasted into the bloodstream. Any body out there use one, I am going to call the Cardio in the morning, but figured I'd ask here first. I wish my teet were like my dogs, his are so nice.

Sam (St Judes Valve - Aortic, Mitral Ring) 2000,

Welcome to the Forums sscholz

The people here will help with just about everything, unfortunately, I'm not the one to ask about the water pic.
I'll leave this one to be answered by someone else.

Perhaps Al will be along later and have an opinion to share in regards to this.

Again, welcome, your going to like it here.
Hello Sam-

Welcome to the site. There's so much info here and it's full of friends who understand a lot about heart valve replacements.

One of our members is allodwick he can be contacted at [email protected], he's an expert on Coumadin management. This is his website address http://WWW.WARFARINFO.COM. Write him a note regarding your question. He may be unavailable for a couple of days, but I'm sure as soon as he can, he'll contact you. Tell him you're a new member of valvereplacement.com

I'm not the patient here, my husband is, but I use a Water Pic daily and have for many years. If your gums are not in tip top condition, it can cause them to bleed and I imagine that it would let lose lots of bacteria. It's a powerful tool, but really does the job of keeping your gums clean. Please make sure to ask your cardiologist about it, it could cause some problems.
Please don't use the water pic without asking your cardio first!!!!!

Please don't use the water pic without asking your cardio first!!!!!

hi sam!
welcome! this is a great place for support, info, and just plain hand holding. everyone here is wonderful and very caring.
i use an electric toothbrush and when joey (the patient) asked if he could use one too, his cardio was very adamant about him NOT using one or any other appliances like water pics because

"something about the bacteria on the gums being blasted into the bloodstream".

he said it was the same idea as having to premedicate each time joey has his teeth cleaned.
so, i would seriously check with your cardio first. somehow flossing doesn't seem to stir up as much "debris" and i guess it's ok because it is rinsed/flushed out immediately (no chance to enter the bloodstream?).
hope this helped!
good luck and be well,
Hi Sam

Sylvia is 100% correct. I have to echo what she said.

You may not get the same answer from you cardiologist. Believe it or not my surgeon gave me the best and above all 'accurate' advice in more areas than just the waterpic.

And, as Nancy stated if your gums are already sensitive.....the pik could potentially make you bleed. You can safely use Peroxyl mouth rinse for your irritation and bleeding gums for a maximum of 7 days. There is another month rinse you can try daily after brushing. It's called Biotene. INon-alcohol based. So no burning and drying of the mouth. I understand they have electric flossers too.

You are doing the right thing. Keep the mouth clean and the heart will be happy. It's a good thing:D
:D Thanks -all , I guess I will stick to flossing, not like I ever really did it, but am doing it 2 - 3 times a day, the gums have stopped bleeding after the 2nd day, and everything seems much better. Now to survive those 3-4 Dental visits in the "Chair".
