In a perfect world ......................
In a perfect world ......................
all negative side effects would be rare. So to be very clear I hope for the sake of others that my reaction of feeling cold is rare. There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that ACT is responsible for the inability my body/metabolism to respond to changes in ambient air temperature. The thermastat is no longer operational. Long sleeved turtlenecks, sweats are my fashion statement together with body enveloping blankets and down filled slippers--in the centrally heated house that is. Everyone else is quite comfortable in short sleeves, no turtleneck, no sweats. Ahh well, summer will soon be here.
I look forward to the day I grow out of this chronic condition. Hee Hee
In a perfect world ......................
all negative side effects would be rare. So to be very clear I hope for the sake of others that my reaction of feeling cold is rare. There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that ACT is responsible for the inability my body/metabolism to respond to changes in ambient air temperature. The thermastat is no longer operational. Long sleeved turtlenecks, sweats are my fashion statement together with body enveloping blankets and down filled slippers--in the centrally heated house that is. Everyone else is quite comfortable in short sleeves, no turtleneck, no sweats. Ahh well, summer will soon be here.
I look forward to the day I grow out of this chronic condition. Hee Hee