Wanted: LUCK

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I need some good luck these next couple of weeks, and hope you will give me some. I begin a court trial on 5/22 against the dentist who did not pre-medicate when she was supposed to. That ?little? oversight caused me to develop Bacterial Endocarditas and then a mitro valve replacement.

My attorney's have flown in from LA and were ready to do battle. They expect a 2-4 week trial by jury.

I will keep you guys informed to the out come?

Thank you


Phil I don't know anything about luck cause I don't have any myself. Would you settle for a prayer or two? I hate legal wrangling in any form, so I know about what your dealing with. Here is to the best possible outcome and stay in touch. ;)
I will be sending you any luck that I may have(probably not much LOL)
Here, I will send you some of my luck to you. I always feel for the underdog, so to speak. When a doctor cannot do his/her job properly, the concumer always get the short end of the stick. Get the sucker for what you can. Good luck and best wishes.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
The jury's been picked.

The jury's been picked.

The jury was picked and the attorneys did their opening arguments, very stressful day.
The other side said I did not have Bacterial Endocarditis, but a condition called Bartenella. That is an extremely rare disease that has been documented with homeless men over forty who play with stray cats. There is only ONE reported case in the San Francisco bay area, the dentist attorneys says I?m the now the second person to ever get it.

That?s it for now?

You don't need luck if you are ultimately right. But... here's my shipment of luck to you.
We have rested our case...

We have rested our case...

My attorney?s rested my case against the dentist who did not pre-medicate me before a dental cleaning. The other side has called two of their ?experts? who after being paid over $12k each, testified that I did not get Bacterial Endocarditis, but Bartenella. There are 98 probable cases reported in the world, 6 in the USA and one in the SF bay area. Their ?experts? have testified I am the 99 person in the world or the 2nd in this area to get Bartenella??.

They said that the most probable way that I got this infection is being bitten from a flea from a rat or squirrel found in 3rd world countries, mainly Peru. They also testified that if I was not exposed to this flea, then I was infected with endocarditis from eating hard candy which caused my teeth to move and allow germs into the root cavity and into my blood stream?.

The trial is expected to end June 6th. That?s it for now? Thanks for listening and will keep all my friends undated. And remember, STAY AWAY FROM RATS AND SQURILLS AND DON?T EAT ANY HARD CANDY!!!

Why do these attorneys waste time like this? Better yet, why doesn't the Judge put his foot down on the crap. Unbelieveable, but I've seen it too many times. This is exactly why I hate any type of legal wrangling.
And fix up that

And fix up that

refrigerator box you live in and by cracky, if you're gonna play with stray cats, make sure they're good USA feral cats, not some upstart illegal immigrant felines harboring DANGEROUS fleas from their 3rd-world home.

Wonder why they're going to the mat on this one? Has your attorney ventured a guess? Of course, I don't know what you're asking in damages, but frankly in California people can't insure punitive damages, which is where I'd suspect the primary exposure is, knowing what CA juries are like. :eek:

It's got to be a matter of were you premedicated or not??? And I think that dentists are quite hypersensitive about it - for 25 years my dentist has insisted on premedicating when my pcp said it really wasn't necessary.

Best of luck in your lawsuit. Sounds like you have your dentist cold.