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tprice54 said:
Congratulations from someone firmly in the waiting room. I just wanted to let you know regarding your travel plans....The New York City Marathon is Sunday Nov. 5th.

WHOA! Thanks so much! We're thinking about driving up... but that certainly makes me think more about flying... we don't need a car up there anyway, and parking's of course a hassle, even though I'm sure they have a garage for the Beth Israel apartment.

I'll check into the details of the race. I imagine we'll be getting up there late in the afternoon, so things will hopefully be somewhat back to normal.

I really appreciate your alerting me to the race.


I absolutely wanted to see a picture of my heart. The first couple of people I mentioned that to were so shocked at the idea that I decided to drop it. That's not my normal response, but my plate seemed so full I hesitated to take on another project/battle. But I still wish I had that picture.
Dennis S said:
Exciting news-both about the surgery, and that there are still a few Democrats who have Republican friends & vice versa. To me you will never be identified by political party. To me, you are an Apple guy. God Bless & Keep you, my remarkable cyber friend!

That's one thing I love about vr.com. We're more interested in our friendships than in what could divide us. Good attitude Dennis. I concur.
PegB said:
BTW, who is going to be doing the shoot of your surgery?:) Can you set up ahead of time and put in on automatic?

I got a videotape of my surgery from Dr. Stelzer. I couldn't watch it for quite awhile. It was too much to think that was MY heart on the screen!

BTW have you seen the webcast of a Ross Procedure done by Dr. Stelzer a couple of years ago? It's very good, and quite fascinating. Here's the link:

Congratulations on getting your plans firmed up! I hope it is as good an experience for you as it was for me.

StretchL said:
It nearly happened one November evening two years ago, for sure! So you definitely have a point!:)

Come to think of it....my first noticable arrythmia WAS in November.....6 years ago ;) .......... but that particular Democrat was elected and sadly, somehow never made it to office! :eek:

Stretch. Don't think about politics (there's enough of us donkeys here to keep an eye on things for you!). Don't think photography. Don't think about mortgage rates, or color theory, or pluto not being a planet anymore......just focus on your love of life, your family and dear ones, and that magnificent team of people who will fulfill your bouyant need for a future! This is a big event. Step away from the norm and collect everything this experience has to offer....all on its own.

:) Marguerite

Congratulations on getting your surgery date! I know that you have done lots of research and careful contemplation up to this point so I'm sure it must be a relief to you. I hope that the month of October flies by for you as you prepare for your big day.

Best Wishes!


P.S. I popped onto your websites and loved your photography!


How does it feel to finally have decided on what, where and when? I am glad for you and hope in a couple of weeks that I will be sharing these same feelings! May God watch over you and your family and do take this time to rest and relax. Put work and worry aside.(the nurse in me). I also would like to thank you for all your research you have done. It sure helped me and made researching alot easier.
Congratulations Stretch! Setting the date is a big step and you seem very prepared. I noticed as the weeks got closer I became more at peace with everything. I hope that's what you experience and my thoughts and prayers will be with you during your waiting, your surgery and your recovery. God Bless!
dcpickle said:
BTW have you seen the webcast of a Ross Procedure done by Dr. Stelzer a couple of years ago? It's very good, and quite fascinating. Here's the link:

Yeppers... I watched most of if last night, and will catch the rest soon, I hope. The one shot I remember to be especially fascinating was looking down into the excised pulmonary valve once they had squirted water into it. Those three flaps closed up and held that water like a bucket!

Really makes you appreciate the handiwork of the guy who designed that thing. :)


...Susie, ILove, Marguerite, and Cathy...

Good advice all...

My only stress right now is trying to decide whether to tell my 84 year old mother about the surgery. She's full of anxiety about the daily routines of life, and I just don't know if I want to put her through the worry I know she would experience until she sees that I'm safe and sound and healthy a few weeks post-op...
Hi Stretch: I was actually excited about my surgery as I was a knuckle head and had no idea how tough the recovery would be. However, it went great and my flying pig valve hasn't made me any faster,but I'm back running and on the bike so WOOO-HOO!
2 asides for you: Your photoraphy is stunning. As a big fan of photography I finally clicked on your link. Wow. Lucky you to be able to convey such emotion in those shots.
Secondly, you were probably as saddened as I to see the passing of Ann Richards 2 weeks ago. The woman should've beeen president instead on dink head oil boy.
Hey, Lance Armstrong is running the NYC marathon this year, so it'll really be jamming!
Stay cool, your one year anniversary will be here before you know it.
susieq14 said:

Congratulations on getting your surgery date! I know that you have done lots of research and careful contemplation up to this point so I'm sure it must be a relief to you. I hope that the month of October flies by for you as you prepare for your big day.

Best Wishes!


P.S. I popped onto your websites and loved your photography!

What she said!!
You are gifted and blessed - as are we by your photographs (windows!)

Thank you and God Bless You (on election day and surgery day!!!;) )
We'll be praying for you.

We'll be praying for you.

My wife, Shirley and I will surely put you on our prayer list.

I two have the congenital bi-cuspid aortic valve, so I will be looking forward to your post-op postings.



BTW: I'm a Republican, but I may even vote Democrat this time in your honor.
Don't Say That...

Don't Say That...

Sooner_Crusier said:
My wife, Shirley and I will surely put you on our prayer list.

BTW: I'm a Republican, but I may even vote Democrat this time in your honor.

I appreciate the first very much. Be careful about the second, however, as I may not only hold you to your offer, but vountarily get ANOTHER valve replaced in 2008, hoping for the same payoff! :D

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