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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2005
Miami, FL. I'm not really sure what country this
Greeting, all. Today I awww-fishully set the date of my Ross Procedure with Dr. Paul Stelzer at Beth Israel Hospital in New Yawk:

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

My Republican friends will be saddened to know that they'll not lose a Democratic vote to the knife, as the first thing on my "Pre-Surgery To Do List" is to apply for an absentee ballot in order to help bring the Old Dominion (in particular) and our great nation (in general) back from the Dark Side. :)

I've already told my wife, Noni, to whisper just two numbers in my ear when she sees that I'm coming to in the ICU. The first will be margin by which the Democrats control the Senate, the second the margin in the House.

After that she can ask how I feel. ;)

As for the logistics, here's the schedule:

I have a wedding to shoot in Richmond on Saturday, 11/4. Noni and I will travel to NYC (dunno yet if by car or by air) on Sunday, 11/5. Pre-op is Monday and surgery Tuesday. I'll hopefully leave the hospital on Saturday or Sunday, 11/11 or 12, then hang out in the Big Apple for another week, and return to Richmond Friday or Saturday 11/17 or 18.

Thanksgiving is 11/23. I already know that discovering this web site, which let me to the Ross Procedure and the remarkable Dr. Stelzer, is one of the things for which I will be most thankful this year.
Exciting news:

Exciting news:

Exciting news-both about the surgery, and that there are still a few Democrats who have Republican friends & vice versa. To me you will never be identified by political party. To me, you are an Apple guy. God Bless & Keep you, my remarkable cyber friend!
Thanks, Dennis...

Thanks, Dennis...

...yes... strangely, I can't seem to see eye-to-eye in that department with several of the people who I love most in the world. Yet we keep on loving each other and believing in the process. :)

Just don't get me started about Macs v. PCs. ;)
So let's see - now it's politics, religion and Macs v PCs Got it! I'm all set for my next dinner party conversation.

Congrats on the date! I hope the time either goes quickly, or you are distracted by happy things.
Doesn't it feel good to have made a final decision? Here's to a successful Ross for you. You are in great hands with your choice of surgeons. I reached a reflective milestone today with my Ross; had my first echo since my surgery. The technician had never seen a patient post-Ross and was quite fascinated, I think. Fortunately, she talked to me a great deal and showed me every view of my heart; every valve from every angle. According to her, there was only minute regurgitation from the aortic, which is normal, I believe. The results appeared to be positive. I meet with my Cardiologist next week and will be anxious to hear his interpretation. To celebrate my progress, I walked 2 miles during my lunch break out in the beautiful fall weather---the same route I took before my surgery. It felt so good!!!!!!
Spend October doing what you enjoy, Stretch. That's the advice this group gave me and I pass it on to you. Have a great evening,
Congrats! Your done with your decision and on your way. Good Luck and God Speed.
Congradualtions, I know how relieved you are to know. I had to laugh, Justin is a huge O's fan and the first thing he asked when he woke up from surgery last year was if the o's won, it was a little hard to figure out the sign language but i did,
If you decide to drive up feel free to stop by on the way up or back good opertunity to stretch the legs, we are right off 95 and 295 Lyn
Won't get started on the politics thing but I do wish you well with the surgery. Congrats on setting the date.
Congrats on setting your date and getting it over with and on with life! Even my short time in this forum has taught me so much. I plan on keeping a close eye on all of you while I wait. I feel like a sponge just soaking in all of this info.

Best wishes and can't wait to hear your post-op!

Buckeye in MI
Moderate to Severe
6 month echos
"In the waiting room"
Glad to see the Tuesday Trend continue! Good job on making the decision. Congratulations.

Your days may well be filled with new emotions and thoughts. Embrace them. Exhale.



Congrats on two decisions. What is your backup valve choice?:D I KNOW that you are a LEAST as much of a control freak as me.... so?

Oh and in the spirit of planning and hearing encouraging news upon awakening... you really should have your wife give you some other numbers.... I'm thinking the Giants score and the projected high temperature for the day. Wouldn't want to experience disappointment so soon after surgery.

:) Congrats to you on setting "the date"!! I know from reading a lot of your posts that you have done extensive research and I'm happy for you that your decisions are all made. I wish you the best of luck and you know you'll have all the support and prayers you need right here!
Good for you Stretch. I bet Nov. 7 seems so far away right now, but somehow it catches up to you very quickly. Enjoy yourself as much as you can now so you don't dwell on your waiting time. Isn't it weird to actually have a DATE attached to all these long months of speculation?

Good luck...you'll do great!
BTW, who is going to be doing the shoot of your surgery?:) Can you set up ahead of time and put in on automatic?
Congrats on setting the date and making the final decision.
Here's to another successfull RP !!!!

i would have Noni hold off on the election report, the dissapointment could put you into arrythmia. lol

Take care and Gods Speed

PegB said:
BTW, who is going to be doing the shoot of your surgery

I'm sure I could arrange something with the Vice President.:p :p OOOOOPS!!:eek: Wrong shooting!!!!!:rolleyes:

Good luck on your pending surgery. Prayers and good thoughts are coming your way, even if you are a D....................:eek: :confused:

Hope Noni doesn't wear a Darth Vader Mask when she gives you the "GOOD" news!!!!!:D :D

May God Bless,

Danny :)
Just a Heads Up

Just a Heads Up

Congratulations from someone firmly in the waiting room. I just wanted to let you know regarding your travel plans....The New York City Marathon is Sunday Nov. 5th. I know, because I got accepted this year, and my cardio says it is my last race before surgery (next echo is Monday to get his final okay). I promised I'd take it easy in this one. Anyway, the traffic will be terrible as many bridges and roads are closed until 5 p.m. Just wanted to give you this info to help you make travel plans.
davidfortune said:
What is your backup valve choice?:D I KNOW that you are a LEAST as much of a control freak as me.... so?

That I'm leaving totally up to Stelzer. I asked for his suggestion the other day and he said Medtronic Freestyle, a stentless porcine, which sounds good good me. Surprisingly, I've not done any research at all into that particular valve.

davidfortune said:
Oh and in the spirit of planning and hearing encouraging news upon awakening... you really should have your wife give you some other numbers.... I'm thinking the Giants score and the projected high temperature for the day. Wouldn't want to experience disappointment so soon after surgery.

:p I knew I could count on you, David! :D
PegB said:
BTW, who is going to be doing the shoot of your surgery?:) Can you set up ahead of time and put in on automatic?

You know, I'm actually considering putting together a proposal and pitching the story to various magazines. Aortic Valve Replacement in the First Person. something like that...

The Ross gives it a unique angle to vr surgery, the aging US population and declining interest by young physicians in ct surgery gives it a hook, so we'll see! I'd do some on remote timer and some, in recovery, myself.

At times I'm psyched about the idea, but lying in bed this morning and thinking about it made me tired... I work a lot, and I'm thinking I might should use this surgery as an opportunity to rest a bit, both my body and mind...

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