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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
How often do you look in on the Home page of VR? Check out the flags; they are beautiful - there is a printable one for children and it can be colored or painted. I have printed it several times for when 'the children' come over. They truly enjoy this one.
That's the funny thing with forums. Once you start in the forums, very seldom do you look at the home page. I do from time to time, but not as often as I should.
The Homepage

The Homepage

I know we all have links set up to go directly into the forums, but why now set your links up to www.valvereplacement.com and then you are just one click away from the forums! Thats the way I do it.

That way if I ever do have time to do something new, you will see it! I'm working on the Christmas edition right now. Time is a stranger to me these days though :(
I've had some questions along these lines for a while. I too have my link directly to the forum page, and occasionally go to the main page, most recently to see the reunion pictures.
Some seem very aware of other parts of this website, like the calendar; probably they just regularly check that; or is there another way?
When I first joined this site, I read every biography. I printed out the listing, and read a couple each day, crossing them off of my listing. But I have no way of knowing (do I?) if new biographies are posted. I didn't notice that there were any cookies there, ie, my computer didn't remember which ones I had already read.
I hope I'm not out of line in posting these things. They're just some questions I've had.
this one hasn't ever come up, Jim. How do we know when a new personal story is there? There are a lot in there and it takes time to read them, not only for the number, but the emotional content involved - hard to read a lot of them at one time. Don't know the answer, tho. Hank, how can we know when a new one is posted?
I know of at least one new one on the page today! Me. Hank just sent me an email saying it was up. I looked, and sure enough. But I wrote it two months ago, so I'm 26 now, if anyone is wondering... ;) And I'm finally getting my INR pretty steady (knock on wood)!

Hank- I had been wondering what section you would put me in. Guess I'm so special you had to make a section just for me... :D
Sorry Niki

Sorry Niki

Sorry it took so long for the story - nothing personal, but it slipped through the cracks :(

I just updated your age.

Did I put it in the right category?
right category???

right category???

Well, it depends on how you look at things. Yes, I had my ASD and VSD repaired (in 1997), but I also had my AV valve (tricuspid, not mitral) replaced with a St. Jude's (June of this year). So wherever you feel is best. I don't really care.

And I don't mind that it took awhile to get up there. I COMPLETELY understand about getting bogged down with so many things that the "little" things slip through the cracks... Anyone wanna grade a few billion papers for me??? ;)