VR Criminals On The Loose

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
This is what happens when you don't keep your eyes open and you allow members to meet each other in other States!

Our very own hensylee and Granbonny creating chaos and mayhem in the mountains of Georgia.

Why weren't you in Speedos ladies?
great picture!

great picture!

What a nice picture this is! The two ladies look so happy together! I'm going to download this one and start an album with my VR friends.

Débora from Brazil
Nice picture!

Nice picture!

Nice picture, ladies! I wish we could all get a visit like yours in. :)
Great picture of two beautiful southern belles.
Wait till I visit North canton, we may not be quite as pretty. :eek:
Now I would have paid to be at that reunion. Our two biggest "party girls". Loved the picture.
That's a wonderful picture! How nice that you both got together! Two of our very best VR friends, it just doesn't get any better!
You know, I think I know why they cut the bottom of the picture off. Those two are sitting in front of a still and they don't wanna get busted. :D

Is that it? You don't want to share any of Grampa's recipe?
Very lovely picture and thanks for sharing. The smiles are proof of the friendship on VR
Thank you all

Thank you all

For all the nice comments about mine and Ann Picture.... :) We had just finished a nice lunch....and sitting in their double swing on front porch......Ross, the still is behind me in them ther hills :p :p Ann has more on her camera.......dreading if she posts the one's of us nekked... :p :p I think she is returning home to Fla. today....Maybe someday we could have a Georgia, Alabama, Fla. reunion in the Panhandle of Florida.. on one of their beautiful, white, sandy beaches..Destin would be a great choice. Ann lives nearby...and Sue, Bill Aldridge, Yaps, Julia, A lot of South Ga. members, a lot of West Fla. coast members..Our Alabama members...Alabama and Georgia border this beautiful region.... Thanks again..Bonnie.
Oh what a neat photo!! :) When I heard that Ann was headed your way I was almost in tears as that was the same time I was to be in Indiana with family :( :( :( Though I would have loved to have met both of you ladies I wouldn't have traded the time spent with my dad celebrating his 81st birthday! :) I'm so glad you two had a nice visit!! :)

That's a great shot. That picture is the essence of peace, compatibility, and friendship. Thank you for sharing it. It's interesting to get other glimpses of VR.com's frequent posters.

Of course, we all know that under that pleasant, tranquil layer are two, naked-hot-tub-cavorting, likker-runnin', tatooed, recalcitrant, (and possibly armed?) Southern hotties, just waiting for trouble to come their way... :eek:

*sigh* What's the world coming to? ;)

Best wishes,
I think Miss Ann is still cavorting around Georgia someplace.. :p :p Haven't heard from her in over a week. She may have gone back to the Tatoo Parlor when I dropped her off.. :D :D Lordy, I hope she's not in one of our small town jailhouses....Caught with Moonshine in her pocketbook.... :D :D :D Bonnie
Sounds like the two of you had a wonderful visit! Just imagine what it would feel like to meet a few more of us! :D Hope to see you both in Denver this fall.