VR.Com chats

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Folks..:D for years we have been chatting on the forum..VR.com/chat....I started years ago reminding members every Sat night..Not to forget chat..Sunday night starting at 5 P.m. Eastern time..That gives our over the pond members to chat..:D We have several active members over there :D that LOVE to chat.:D We now have a very active group of chattters.:D but, I wanted to welcome ALL new comers.. Please come in..you have to register..Very simple..but, be aware..You will have at least 20 old timers in here.:D Ask any questions and we will be there.to answer what you need to know.but, remember, you have to read quick:D Conversations change quickly.:D Just a fun thing..runs from 5 P.m. to ?...depending. I stay on for about 3 hours Bonnie
JimL said:
I'll miss chat tomorrow, because of a graduation party. "See" you all next week.

I should be there, but Jim, I'll be gone next week-end, so please take notes on anything I miss!:p :p :p :p
I won't be there tomorrow as I have to work so tell everyone Hi for me. Will be there next week.
Have a Great Chat.:)
Take Care
4:11 pm

We've got a big storm brewing, so I'm off the computer until it blows over. I'll see everyone later on.:)

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