VR.com business cards

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2002
Imlay City, Michigan
At the banquet in Chicago last Friday night, Hank handed out some business cards for this site. They are very very nice and well done.

I saw my cardiologist yesterday for my almost two year check-up, and gave him a couple of the cards. He was DElighted to receive them, and may stop in here to check us out. I plan to give a card or two to my coumadin nurse Friday.

If you received the cards, please pass them on! I suggested to the cardiologist that he could post one on a bulletin board. Perhaps I'll take a card to my PCP.

It would be wonderful if these business cards could be available to more than were at the Chicago reunion. It might be possible to print these cards at home, on a color printer and suitable business card stock, if the image was posted...
Sounds like a great idea to me.

One thing I have noticed while wearing my sweatshirt in the Doctors offices, is that they tend to view websites as sources of misinformation. One of mine started to give me a lecture about it and I stopped him dead in his tracks and told him not to base his opinion on unknown facts, come see the site and the people, we are all or soon to be valvies and you can't tell us that we are wrong because we've experienced this first hand, which makes us quite qualified to offer our support and opinions. He certainly wouldn't argue with me after that and I truly hope he has come by and checked us out.

I don't know how many of you have run into this, but expect it.

I for one, have not found any other site like this one. Sure there are others out there, but they don't deal with the whole person, significant other, etc,. We be unique, at least in my eyes we are!

I wore my t-shirt to my 6 month cardio check-up. The cardiologist I ended up seeing that day chuckled, and said, "ValveReplacement.com, that's cute." I guess he thought it was a joke or something. I set him straight, but tell me, am I really supposed to trust this idiot?

I think I wore it to my one-year visit too, didn't want to see that guy again, so I asked for someone else. I don't even think he noticed it. He was pretty much a jerk too, (not just because he didn't notice the shirt),and told me I didn't need to come back more than every 2-3 years.

I'm going for a routine physical with my PCP next month and I will bring the business cards, and also ask for a referral to a GOOD cardiologist! (There were two of them that I liked there, but they both went elsewhere).
Brother and I switched cardiologists to one who comes to our town, but is in the group with our original doctor. He is young and tuned in to things. I always mention my tours around the net and he seemed to think it's a good idea. Doctors are so busy in their own world that they don't have time to net on their own so assume there are only crazies out there who never know what they are talking about. If they would only stop in here, bet they'd learn some stuff they DON'T know.

My brother had one doctor who actually recommended a site to us.
Some cardios do pay attention - Now it's true that my cardio may soon become my son-in law, but he is really sharp and attuned to what is going on. About two weeks ago, he emailed me asking for a list of web sites I use because he knows I'm a pro-active patient. I completed the list and sent it back - of course VR.com was at the top of the list with a bunch of reasons. My cardio forwarded this to the individual in charge of the clinic's web site. If this person is responsible, he/she will include the linkage. If so , I'll share the web site address. Patients can make a difference ! Keep up the postive attitude guys, you really are helping. Chris
I'm really fortunate that I have both a PCP and a cardiologist that I like very much. I had a cardiologist appointment today and the office staff and nurse all inquired if I had made it to Chicago and if I had had a good time. They seemed so pleased that I did.

I want to give the cards to my cardio (rather than the staff) and invite him to visit the site and then use them if he desires. I plan on doing that next month when I get my echo and results. Today was a little busy as we had quite a few things to discuss. He also consulted with the electophysiologist in their group and added another medication. Concensus is that I am doing very well.
Hey Betty,
Glad to hear your checkup went well today.
Take Care.

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
hi betty!
great news that you are doing so well. you look wonderful, considering you just had this surgery done!!
i was so amazed that you made it to the reunion and looked fantastic!! keep feeling well!
all the best, sylvia
Hi Betty - Way to go on a good check up lady. Keep up the good work !! Chris
Yea Betty

Yea Betty

Glad to hear about your good appt. You are such a sweetheart, I am so glad you made it to Chicago. you were a pleasure to meet!
You are my hero! 6 weeks post op and whooping it up at the VR Reunion - after a trip to the ER for a-fib. You just can't keep a good woman down. Congratulations on the great check-up.

VR.com cards

VR.com cards

I glad you got a great report. I enjoyed meeting you and your husband. I took my cards to the hosp. andd gave them to some other valve people in rehab. I will take some with to my other doctors.
Sherrin Hutt
mitri valve repair 4/99
Mitri valve replacement 3/02
St Jude
Protime Machine
Thanks everyone! Sherrin, what a good idea to bring the cards to others in rehab. I'm the only valver at present but I'll keep some in my gym bag just in case.

Chris, I saw on another post that you are going diving in Mexico.
Where? My son Jon is a scuba instructor and loves the water. You probably already have researched how diving may affect people with heart problems but here is a link if you haven't.http://www.scuba-doc.com/ Have a great time there and take care. Hope you make the next reunion.

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